View Full Version : JUST GOOGLED!AHHH

23-08-06, 22:07
ok so I just googled my symptoms and leukemia came up!!!:( I have all the symptoms of it except for bruising and unusual bleeding or fever. I knew it wasn't a kidney infection, Im really really scared and don't know what to!!! I am dying.[V]

23-08-06, 22:22
please dont worry....

The worst thing we could all do is tio search symptoms of serious illness.
I assume that you suffer with panic and anxiety (perhaps to do with health, like me), You dont have a high temp, or briusing which are usually the main symptoms of this illness.
I have just been through a period of convincing myself i had a brain tumour or ms.
Have you been to the doctors recently? perhap a visit just to reassure yourself might be wise.
Panic is a bully and worry feeds it, and googling is a definite no no.
Please feel free to pm me anytime, and please honey stay calm, nice deep breaths, and once the panicky feelings subside you will realise that worry is your illness not leukemia.
take care

luv tracie x


23-08-06, 22:24

please dont panic over this you any of us could talk ourselves into anything i was tired the other day and felt horrid i looked this up and came up with the fact that i had a thyroid problem i was so sure i went to the doc and asked for a test i got so upset and in such a state all the tests came back ok nothing wrong BUT i had all the symptoms every one .
the best thing you could do is go see your doctor in the morning and tell him how you feel he will know right away if you have or not he will know what to look for im sure
try get some sleep and not think about it you will be just fine im sure

23-08-06, 22:26
Hi there.

I think you just answered your worry....

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I have all the symptoms of it except for bruising and unusual bleeding or fever</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

If you had leukemia you would have these too surely?

Try not to worry ok there is no reason to suspect you do have it.

What symptoms do you have?


23-08-06, 22:47
Well I was just at the doctors last week for a kidney infection, which i mentioned in a previous post and I was also in the hospital 3 months ago for anxiety and routine bloodwork was done and everything was fine, I just worry so much and it is ruining my life. Can your symptoms increase if you are continually thinking about it?

23-08-06, 23:15
Ok so they would have found any problems at the hospital then.

Yes they can get worse cos you concentrate on them and they are foremost in your thoughts all the time.

Have you heard the expression "fear breeds fear" - this is a similar thing. You are allowing them to control your life and so your main focus is on those aches and pains.

I bet if you were out having a good time and distracted you wouldn't notice half of them.

It will get better trust me ok?
