View Full Version : My heart crys for all involved

14-12-12, 23:56
What an overwhelmingly sad day. Such ridiculous tradegy in this sad world we live. I have many thoughts on all of this, yet at this moment just very thankful my children are all home and I am holding them tight. There are no words for the heart felt sadness I feel. What is this world coming to? With tears in my eyes, I say this... to all who are involved my prayers are with you and your families. May god be with you every step of the way.I could not imagine loosing a child. What kind of sick, twisted waste of breathe takes innocent childrens lives. Kill yoursef sure, but these children did NOTHING to anyone. Not to mention its almost christmas. This is the most horrible unimaginable crime anyone could commit. Everyone please continue to pray for all who were involved.:emot-crying:

15-12-12, 00:03
Omg I know my heart is breaking for all of those families. What makes someone so evil? Such innocent little children. My prayers, and thoughts all with all of them. I don't know how you ever recover from something so cruel. I feel the same as you, just want to hug my children. :weep:

15-12-12, 00:49
don't know what to say or how to express it - i can't even look this tradgedy square in the face - just so deeply sad and shocked - i don't understand what could possibly drive a man to do this terrible thing:weep:

15-12-12, 04:22
Here is Australia we are so shocked.. :weep: Those poor children and adults died for nothing.. From what I have read the person who did it had mental problems... Pray for the poor families that lost their loved ones.. We have to appreciate what we have and live each day fully...

15-12-12, 07:45
What a broken society we live in. I hope that all effected by this tragedy receive the support that they both need and deserve and, in time, find peace and healing.

15-12-12, 10:03
I saw this on the news last night and ir is heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers are with all involved.

15-12-12, 11:37
Yes it's very sad. :weep: There seems to have been a lot of shootings this year. I feel sorry for everyone affected.

Let's hope next year will be better, with less violence (although I always say that every Christmas!)

16-12-12, 19:55
It really is so terrible. I can't really put it into words. I wish I could make those poor families better. I don't have children, but I know that if I did I would be holding them just a little bit tighter at the moment.

16-12-12, 23:12
the shooting was one town over from where i grew up and where my family lives ... i used to work there, still only live about 30 minutes away now ... i drive through that town all the time, my uncle was a police officer there ... i am so sad and i didn't even know anybody who died. i feel so sad for everybody. it is all over the news, the tv, papers, etc. all those children ...

just can't feel safe anywhere anymore :weep:

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

it's a great town too ... you would never think something would happen there like this.

16-12-12, 23:46
It's okay to feel this way. What's missing in our world today is empathy and feelings. I am glad that many people as well as myself are upset at this, because it shows that we still care about people, especially when we see so many horrible people day to day who seem to just not care.

I'm so sorry that you feel upset at this, I cry everytime I hear about this horrible event, it's just so sickening and saddening :(.

Have you thought about maybe talking to a counsellor? Especially when you are so close to the town, it might help just to talk to someone who can help you sort through your feelings and help make you feel safe again.

What a horrible thing to have happened, my heart goes out to everyone involved, as well as all the people touched by the event. Prayers all around.

Chris x

17-12-12, 12:43
Hi Chris, I am seeing my counselor this week so we'll chat about it. It is just so scary ... my sister is a teacher and my dad, and it's back to work today for them ... it must be so difficult.

Last night they had a memorial service, the president came and spoke, the governor, and representatives from a multitude of religious beliefs. It was beautiful but so sad.

Just feeling really sad now ... holidays will not be very cheerful this year for many.

17-12-12, 13:03
Awww swgrl I didn't realize you are so close to there. My husband and I have an antique store, and we go to the Elephants Trunk quite a few times a year, I thought that was close. What a beautiful area, and quaint, no one person would ever expect such a horrific thing. I am a teacher, and it's back to work for me this morning, if I am not a nervous nelly as it is, this just really puts me over the edge, and I also have a child still at school. Sooooo sad, :weep:hope you feel better. :hugs:

17-12-12, 13:24
panickyme, i have so much respect for you as a teacher. you will be in my thoughts today and please know that people around the world are thankful for what you do every day :hugs:

17-12-12, 13:35
the shooting was one town over from where i grew up and where my family lives ... i used to work there, still only live about 30 minutes away now ... i drive through that town all the time, my uncle was a police officer there ... i am so sad and i didn't even know anybody who died. i feel so sad for everybody. it is all over the news, the tv, papers, etc. all those children ...

just can't feel safe anywhere anymore :weep:

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

it's a great town too ... you would never think something would happen there like this.
This is a broken world. I feel desperately for those who have perished and their families. But, this may cause controversy, the man responsible for this horrendous pain must have dwelled in such a painful place himself. We are a broken society responsible for many horrendous acts coming from a place of pain. I really don't believe in evil inherent in others. I believe actions are taken from a place of pain and lack of resources to resolve such pain and arrest it before it comes to this. This is a lesson in learning for us all.

17-12-12, 13:50
This is a broken world. I feel desperately for those who have perished and their families. But, this may cause controversy, the man responsible for this horrendous pain must have dwelled in such a painful place himself. We are a broken society responsible for many horrendous acts coming from a place of pain. I really don't believe in evil inherent in others. I believe actions are taken from a place of pain and lack of resources to resolve such pain and arrest it before it comes to this. This is a lesson in learning for us all.

You are right, I said similar to my fiance on Friday. We kept saying ... how could somebody do something this awful? The killer must have been through immense pain himself ... it is a sad, sad world. That is why it is crucial that the kids and families affected get the help they need going forward.

17-12-12, 17:26
You are right, I said similar to my fiance on Friday. We kept saying ... how could somebody do something this awful? The killer must have been through immense pain himself ... it is a sad, sad world. That is why it is crucial that the kids and families affected get the help they need going forward.

I wholeheartedly agree <3