View Full Version : Constant nausea and feeling of vomit coming up? Please help me.

15-12-12, 01:13
OK, I'm really sick of this now (pardon the pun).

It really feels as if I need to vomit, but I'm thinking because I have emetophobia (fear of vomit), my brain is stopping me from vomiting or something. I reckon if I didn't fear vomiting, I would have been sick loads of times by now.

I can always tell whenever it's going to come up, and when it does, it only goes up as far as my throat - what happens from there is my choice. I either swallow or take a deep breath for it to go back down again. Then like half a minute later it does it again and again and again. It can do this for ages before it settles for a little while, then it's at it again. Sometimes I try forcing it because I think it may be a trapped burp, but I regret it, because that's usually when I get a vomit like taste in my mouth and a bit of liquidy stuff can be felt come up a bit in my throat, so I stop forcing it. It DOESN'T feel acidic most of the time so I'm guessing it's definitely not reflux. It just feels like vomit.... I'm burping quite a lot also.

It doesn't matter what I eat or whenever I eat, it always happens.. I can even feel it when I'm laying down in bed, it feels the exact same. I cannot sleep hardly because of it.. Some people are saying just to vomit to get rid of it but I just can't! I don't want to!

Thing is, WHY is this happening anyway? If it is vomit, then why? I've had this well over a year now and it's only recently gotten worse in the past 4 months or so.

I've been to the doctors several times over this issue now. Firstly they thought it was anxiety, then acid reflux, which they prescribed me medication for which didn't even work... (Gaviscon and Omerprazole). Now they're assuming it's anxiety again, when I'm almost certain it isn't.

My parents also think it's all anxiety and are getting sick of me complaining over it. It's really depressing me, because I can't live like this for the rest of my life.... I'm not ever going to let myself vomit, because I just can't and don't want to. Anyways even if I did, it may just come back again so what's the point?

It's getting awfully tempting to just end my life, because everyday I'm suffering and struggling to get through the day. As if anyone would care if I was gone anyway....

But anyway... Does anyone know what this is??? It's driving me nuts!!

15-12-12, 01:23
It is indigestion - mine never tastes like acid either

You need to eat small meals and eat slowly and about 6 small meals a day and see how it goes

15-12-12, 01:29
Hii, let me start by saying I can completely relate to your emet (I've read some of your posts) & it's the single worst phobia anyone could ever have. I've been suffering with it for about 7 years now, it's got worse and worse over the time, sometime during summer when bugs like noro aren't around I feel like I'm getting better, but then like now winters back and so is noro and ALL over the news, I feel my emet is back with a vengeance. I'm so terrified of being/feeling s*.. I'm not too fussed if someone else is, as long as its nothing contagious, say if someone had too much to drink, it wouldn't bother me that they got s* from it.
My family think its ridiculous too /: it's so difficult to explain why I feel the way I do about it, and even if I try, I just get the whole 'everyone hates being s*' 'there's nothing u can do to stop it' err YES u can be hygienic, wash ur hands, avoid people who have had it... It doesn't seem like a reasonable request to them, but it's perfectly logical n my head /: what's so hard about not touching your mouth / food etc without washing your hands!!
Sorry little rant there, anyway, regarding this post. Although u said its not acid reflux, it sounds an awful lot like it to me. I used to wake up in the night, literally choking on the v* taste in my throat, and it kept coming and coming every few minutes, when I took gaviscon it took it away slightly but not all together, I just had 2 ride it out convincing myself I wouldn't be s* :( but since not eating at least an hr before bed & only drinking water instead of fizzy pop, it seems to of cleared up. My doc said it was acid reflux.
Hope this helps a lil xx

15-12-12, 03:07
Gosh, didn't think indigestion could cause you to feel this awful. I'm a little better now after laying down for a while and tried to focus on my breathing. I'm just wondering why no anti-acids have helped even though nearly everyone I know thinks it's Acid Reflux/Indigestion too. Hmm.

I do kinda eat fast though, and not chew food properly enough. I'm also barely eating these days because of the horrible nausea. Today, I only ate a few sandwiches and toast, that's all I've had.. I'm glad I can drink OK.. My diet has never been brilliant, but never too bad either. I'm not overweight or anything. Last time I checked I was like, 122 lbs.

Sorry to hear that you too, are an emetophobic Louisicle! It really is a pain in the back side isn't it? I'm just like you with disliking this time of the year due to the Norovirus going around and all, especially hearing it on the news and stuff. I can guarantee you that most of it is inaccurate and exaggerated. They make it out to be worse than what it is, especially the people that have had it. I've heard some make it out as a near death experience when it isn't THAT bad. Sure, it's awful and all but definitely not as bad as most people say. I've had the Norovirus about four times in my life, and it was in primary school when I didn't care if I got ill. Last time I had it was in 2004, so yes a long time ago and it was awful. I was ill for about 2 weeks for some reason... After that, my emetophobia started, and since then I haven't ever had it.

I also cannot stand people that can't keep hygienic or anything and end up contacting this virus, which makes me sound like a hypocrite since I never used to care about getting it either lol.

Don't worry about ranting! You basically wrote what I would have wrote which is kinda scary, but also reassuring as I'm not the only one who thinks that way.

It's a pain in the butt when you just want to enjoy life instead of constantly worrying and feeling unwell all the time. And since we're young we want to make the best of it since we're only young once. Grrrrr...

Anyways, thank you both for the replies. I think this is the longest post I've made on this forum.

15-12-12, 13:20
Ughhhh, I'm feeling even more nauseous now.. I'm going to go lay down because it's terrible.. I just hope it will subside after resting for a while. My stomach feels kinda weird, it doesn't hurt or anything, it just feels like it's hot inside sometimes or something and it's making noises occasionally. I've got a horrible feeling right at the back of the throat and feels as if something is going to come up. It's really scaring me and I don't know what to do... I cannot think of food without feeling even worse either. I can't put up with this anymore... :weep:

15-12-12, 13:53
Hi rls :) thanks for the reply. Emet is such a pain, feeling like cr*p constantly, worrying constantly, being scared constantly /: are u on any meds for it or do any therapy?
The burning feeling in your stomach is deffo sounding more and more like indigestion/heartburn/acid reflux.. The feeling in your throat could be anxiety related, I get it loads, I describe it as nausea in my throat and chest but my dr told me that because you unknowingly tense up it feels like there's something there ready to come out but really it's just muscle. Who knows ... Emet is just one AWFUL thing to ever experience.. I envy those without ths fear so much, I'd do anything not to have it.

15-12-12, 19:08
You're welcome Lousicle, and thank you for your reply!

I can definitely relate to feeling 'crap' constantly, as everyday I'm feeling slightly nauseous or really nauseous like today, then it subsided quite a lot until I saw Norovirus on the News and I started to feel nauseous again. :doh:

I had never even thought about your muscles tensing up in your throat or anything! That's really reassuring as it definitely feels like it tenses up quite a lot. But I always thought it was something coming back up. Sometimes the area just above my chest feels burny, so I'm assuming this is also related to Acid Reflux? Also, I swallowed earlier and felt an acidic feeling at the back of my throat. Even more indicators that it's Acid Reflux. :rolleyes:

I would most definitely choose another phobia over emetophobia.. Like a phobia of heights or something. Nausea is one of my worst symptoms, I cannot stand it..