View Full Version : question for anyone who experienced UTI, please read...

15-12-12, 01:37

I just wanted to ask people who have experience of urinary infections if this sounds like thair symproms. I have been sitting frozen in fear all evening, litteraly frozen, i think even my breathing is slowed down, cause all sorts of things are going through my head.
The pain is in the back going roun sides just under ribs and to the front and also period type painlower down. I almost finished the course of trimethoprim and the pain was actually less before, even this afternoon it wasn't bad, and now especially the under the ribs pain is not going away. I am also having flatulence :blush: and i would wish with all in the world that the gas is the culprit for my pain and not kidney infection or even worse. I keep thinking about my ovaries or pelvic inflammatory disease :weep::weep: i went to the doctor again this afternoon and he totally didn't let me say what i wanted to say, i even forgot to tell him about the under the rib pain, cause it wasn't too nad til this evening. My urine had some protein but he said nothing else. I am freaking out. i am too scared to go to bed... If it's urinary infection how long does this last? He gave me another antibiotic and I just took it but I am so scared it won't work or that something even worse is wrong with me.
I can't think of anything else, just this and i am walking around like a zombie. I told the doctor i was scared but he didn't really want to hear me out, he was asking me why would i be scared....

15-12-12, 04:48
Hi Millie
Wow your post, it could of been me writing about what's
happening at the moment with me and the UTI I'm suffering with
Like you I was prescribed trimethoprim and have just finished a 3
day course, the awful pain in my groin and back so like you
Oh and then the flatulence part, yes I have this so bad and the exact
same thoughts has you.....could the pain I'm in be caused by a womb
Infection , honestly Millie your post made me think that yes I need to get
back to the GP for some other antibiotics its obvious that 3 days of trimethoprim
Is not going to cure it

15-12-12, 10:15
HI Ladies

I'm also suffering from a UTI and just finished my three day course of Trimithoprim had bad pain under ribs and some back ache. That part has cleared but still suffeing general discomfort and stinging around the uretha area but not when I pee so not if everything is just a bit sensitive because of the infection or I need some more antibiotics.

Think it must be the time of year for UTI's!!