View Full Version : Emet.. Noro.. Freaking out :/

15-12-12, 01:39
Hey, we'll as we all know from the wonderful input of the media :mad::lac: norovirus is something like 70% up from last year & earlier... I'm panicking like u wouldn't believe! I'm terrified 2 even go to sleep tonight incase I wake up feeling ill /: I know weird logic.
Any emet suffers out there have any positive things to help me with this? I haven't worried about winter virus' for so long now & all the anxiety is coming back, there are SO many people I no who have been ill this week (fortunately I haven't been in direct contact with any, but my mom has :() I'm terrified she might have caught it, she first was in contact about 36 hours ago /: and I can't avoid her due to living in the same house! :( am I over reacting? I just can't help myself I'm so so scared I'm going to be ill this year .. Last time was 2010 (i had bad d* and was s* once, altho i know it wasnt that bad, im still terrified!) and before that 2002!! I can't deal with it, my anxiety is so high, I'm getting chest tightening, pain, trouble breathing, feeling nauseous (WHICH DOESN'T HELP!!!) I feel like crying, no one close to me can understand this horrible fear :(

Someone 2 relate / talk to would be great thanks all for reading xxxx

15-12-12, 01:51
Try this:


15-12-12, 03:24
^ Yes, be sure to check that thread (My thread :yesyes:), especially the last few pages.

I've come into contact with people who've had this virus before and I didn't catch it! Even IF your Mum does catch it, doesn't mean you will. Make sure you always wash your hands before touching your face and preparing/eating food, disinfect any areas like door handles etc your Mum touches with bleach and ask her to keep her hands clean too. Oh, and make sure someone else makes the food if your Mum does get ill just in case. But you shouldn't need to do any of this as I'm sure you will all be OK anyway.

Let us know how you get on.

Take care.

15-12-12, 13:39
^ Yes, be sure to check that thread (My thread :yesyes:), especially the last few pages.

I've come into contact with people who've had this virus before and I didn't catch it! Take care.

2 of my colleagues had it & i didnt get it

congrats on your popular post rls

15-12-12, 15:37
Hi there, I've posted this to a few others on here who have been getting anxious and afraid of Noro. What I advised them is not to read into things too much. Newspapers write stories to make money. They won't sell anything that's boring or mundane. Talking about the good things in life is all very well and good, but it's boring for other people to hear. Let's face it, would we buy a paper if it just reported on how wonderful life is and what fantastic lives people live and how lovely and rosy everything is? Probably not, as it's not exciting for us. No, we want to read about stuff that excites us and shocks us, as it makes for good conversation and what's more, it has us living in fear...Unfortunately, having studied journalism, I know that the more gory, the more shocking, the more scary your story-this will get you your readers, your rewards, your wage...So, my point is, please try not to buy into sensationalism. I doubt very much that there are 70% more cases this year...last year it was the same with the reporting on Norovirus. It's the same every single year....same old story. Those reporters don't know you and they don't know me. Nothing is based on individuals. It's all based on generalism. That for one thing. The next thing, are you sure that all the people that you know that have come down with it actually had Noro? Because it could be they had some other more minor virus or they may have even eaten the wrong thing-quite possible at Christmas with all the food and parties etc. An estimated 600 000 to 1 million people (I think that's actually too high) get struck down by this virus every year in the UK. Roughly 66 million people live in the UK, so that's actually only 2% of the population. Compared to how many people catch colds every year that's very low. Talking about the spreading of this virus-it is indeed very contagious, however only in certain circumstances. Now this could be for say a hospital worker who may have come into direct contact with someone's si....for example. Parents with younger children who have to look after their child very closely and clean up behind it. I think that in casual circumstances it is not possible to contract the virus. As others on here have rightly pointed out: regular handwashing is absolute key. If you live with someone who has had it, wiping doorhandles, tap handles, hard surfaces with a cleaning product is a good idea as well as only eating food you have prepared yourself. Someone on here mentioned they work in a hospital and haven't caught this virus in 12 years. Now that may seem surprising, but it just goes to show that it's not all doom and gloom. Don't let the Norovirus hype ruin the festive season for you. :)

15-12-12, 16:45
Hi iced diamond :) Thank you so much for your reply, it's so reassuring to be told things like this it makes me stop and think 'oh yeah, that's true' in my mind I torture myself with what ifs and seeing different scenarios coming true in my head, always ending in the worst way.. It's just hard not to do it once I get into that frame of mind.

But reading the support and rationalising from these comments is such a relief to know others feel the same and it's not all doom and gloom.
Thanks again xx

15-12-12, 17:23
Hi, I'm glad I could help a bit. :) I do fully understand how difficult it is to shut off the bad things and start believing the good things. I admit I sometimes have trouble with this as well-but it angers me when the press scare people who are already more prone to worry than others. Some people say everything you read is lies...I wouldn't say that, BUT it is very, very glorified, you know? Things are never as bad as they seem. :) There's no point in worrying about things so much, as otherwise life just passes you by. I would go as far as to say that you will most likely NOT contract this virus. The odds are really very much in your favour. Another thing, people who have been unlucky and caught this horrid bug, often feel a little victimised and in a way (I might be being harsh), but they want to scare other people, as possibly they are a little (gonna say) jealous that they didn't get it, so they make it sound much worse or start saying they had it when in fact it was the after effects of too much partying or something. You take care and have a great Christmas. :)

15-12-12, 17:51
I wasn't worried about this at all until I just had to sit in an A&E waiting room where people kept vomiting, then I started to panic! This thread has reassured me a bit and I put antibacterial gel on my hands when I left.

15-12-12, 18:53
Annie, that's absolutely terrible! I wouldn't have been able to stay there, I would have ran, because that's what I do whenever someone vomits nearby me. I panic even more if I find out that person had thrown up due to Norovirus, since it's contagious.. UGH. I hope you're okay now. :hugs:

Iced_Diamond, you make very good points and every comment I've seen from you has made me feel better, so thank you.

I get colds very often, but they do not bother me in the slighest, no matter how severe they are. I don't get nausea with a cold thank God..