View Full Version : Teenage sons backache

15-12-12, 08:23
Hi haven't been on here for a while despite a massive anxiety flair up and resulting depression, I managed to pick myself up.
Anyway it's all starting again and even though I no looking for reassurance is something which just fuels my OCD I really need some reassurance. I normally end up rushing off to the doctors for it but I'm trying to see things from a non anxiety sufferers perspective as in my heart I no it doesn't need a docs visit.
My 15 year old son has gad backache for a few years (my daughter who is now 21 also had as a teen and still does). He saw a paediatrician summer 2011 and he said he was vitamin d deficient. A course of vit d seemed to help his back. Anyway he still complains of it aching, it's not agony by no means just an ache. It doesn't stop him doing anything, he goes to the gym, but he sits at his desk for very long periods of time, carries a heavy bag to school, and the chairs at school are very uncomfortable. He sits in very awkward positions in his chair in his room.
Now I know sense tells me that he's seen a doc and the backache is likely to just be due to a poor posture, my daughter is the same. The pain settles down when he's rested and not at school. So why is my anxiety heading through the roof??
I am going for a group mindfulness course next year for my anxiety I do hope that helps.
Hope you guys can give me some reassurance xx

15-12-12, 10:06
I remember my sons complaining of the same around this age. I think it is a combination of 'growth spurts' and carrying heavy school bags.

15-12-12, 10:12
Hi debbsi
Sorry you are feeling the need to come back on here hun, i am 24 and sit for long periods of time on a sewing machine and hunched over hand sewing my back hates me, it aches all the time its so tender to touch and sometimes it feels like it wont even support me when i stand up. I have put this down to poor posture as when i don't sew for a couple of days the pain eases. Also stress can cause your body to tense up and spasm, your body can be stressed even though you dont feel it. If your son has been to the doctor then im sure everything is fine, but maybe if the pain is causing him any bother he could go back and there might be some sort of massage or therapy he could do?
Even sitting here now my back is driving me mad! lol sorry if im not much help hun :) xx

---------- Post added at 10:12 ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 ----------

and ofcourse growth spurts my brother is having them at the moment! and they can cause him lots of pain xx