View Full Version : Day after a string of panic attacks, feeling funny?

Orange Lightning
15-12-12, 14:40
Sorry for so many many posts; I'm typing this one on a phone, so it won't be very long!

I've finally recovered from what must've been a week long panic attack. I.saw a doctor who helped me come to terms with my aches, pains and weird feelings. Except for 1, which I didn't have until today. It's a weird feeling in my right chest/ribs, like a puff of air or a brief airy spasm. It's hard to describe, but it's in my chest so I really don't want another panic attack from this, especially since Google is likely to say it's my heart valves or something. Any ideas or has anyone else had this feeling? Thanks again!

15-12-12, 22:41
Heya Orange,I've been in your shoes, panic attacks are the single most distressing situation to be in!, its a good thing you've had a doctor to help you through :). The chest discomfort on the other hand, get yourself checked out if it gets to be too much, there's no shame in making sure your alright, i recently had to go for a chest Xray because NHS direct were concerned i couldnt breathe properly and i was having near to what you've mentioned plus a bad case of heart burn, the Xray went without a hitch and i found out i was ticking normally!

Stay positive :)