View Full Version : Canker sores after endoscopy

15-12-12, 19:46
I had an upper endoscopy on tuesday this week and the endoscope was rubbing my left back gums during the whole procedure. It was sore that day and the next day I noticed a canker sores (aphthous ulcer) on that place. It is still here, but it doesn't hurt that bad, as a few days before. What's more, I noticed two more today - one on my toungue and another on my lips. Is this normal after endoscopy? I've had it for the first time in my life and the results were completely fine.

What could it be related to? Is this a result of the major stress I had to get through? I don't know and it freaks me out a bit. I didn't have the problem before. They've all appeared after the endoscopy :scared15:

16-12-12, 00:56
Hmm, stress can cause ulcers, also being low on b12, the friction from the test might have irrated the skin causing the ulcer.
I honestly wouldn't be too worried, maybe use a good mouthwash, warm salt water rinses, they are gels you can get too to help the ulcer heal.
You could always ring them up and ask, if you're still worried.