View Full Version : 2011 was when it started

15-12-12, 20:00
Dear All,

It all started back in 2011 when i had a tummy bug in the march. I cant eat, i couldnt force myself to eat, all i wanted to do was sleep. I panicked everytime i came across food thinking it would make me ill. My OH is in the RAF and got leave to look after me and the kids and he took me to the docs. The doctor i saw she wasnt all that bothered and said you be ok and gave me beta blockers. My appetite came back slowly and things were ok. Until Oh went and came back from afgan in sept 2011. My anxiety levels were hideous. Same again i couldnt eat. So back to the docs we go and this time i saw my own doc who was lovely and gave me reassurance that everybody slips up from time to time. Still on the beta blockers, they are working a treat. Fast forward to june 12. I worry and i worry and i worry again. i was worrrying about my weight(trying to keep a size 12)my kids health, how much have we all eaten. Not only with the worry i also sart to have other problems, i cant sleep, i feel sick, im lonely, im never away from the kids etc. Doc gives me anti ds i go back after 8 days as i cat handle it. Im given Pregabalin 25mg twice a day. No props there. Until this week. I have had the mother of all colds and got a sinus infection. The anti bocs are working slowly, but ive lost weight gone from 8st 9 to 8st 5 from being off my food thats to having a bad cold. Now the worry is kicking in, will i get better, can i eat again. i look at the food, i feel ill, i try and eat the food i feel ill and after 2 mouths full i feel very full. im hungry but i cant eat. Its a nasty circle to be in. My Oh has stopped trying to push me as he knows it will make the prop even worse, so he lets me in my own time just get on with it,

Im in a rubbish place at the min and some helpful advice right now, would be good. I dont really want to go back to the docs on the monday i have been there so much as it!!!

Thank you for reading :noangel:

suzi xxxx

15-12-12, 20:24
Hi suzi, SNAP ~ I started with anxiety disorder/ panic attacks breakdown in 2011!
Awful awful, I know a cliche BUT I really wouldn't wish the exhausting and debilitating effects and symptoms of anxiety, on my worst enemy!
I'm a mum also and since I gave up my teaching career ( because of my breakdown) I crave my career! I do now though appreciate the precious time I've spent with my kids since I've been off work, that I otherwise would have missed! But I know this is hard work and looking after the kids 24/7 can get tedious and get u down! Read if board but a few of my posts if u go to my stats, explains all about my journey with 'panic'.
I think a hobby, making time 4 ur self, manuka honey and a multivitamin, omega 3, tapping exercises or yoga. If you can't face food, what about Complan???? Vitamin shakes, they are very good for poor appetite and ensure u get the equivalent goodness of a decent meal.

Takecare :flowers: