View Full Version : Introducing myself

15-12-12, 23:49
I have been reading these forums for a while now on and off, I have finally come to a decision to join and share my story and get some advice on what I am about to share. Haven't been to a doctor yet because I have been scared they wont understand me or think that I am going crazy. Since I have been quite young I was always organising and cleaning my room daily I couldn't stand it that something may be out of place and I always wished to have a messy a room because it seemed normal but never allowed it, it went away with growing older but when I was 16 (I am now 19) I had an eating disorder because I thought I had to look perfect I still feel like I have to be its like an obsession but when I beat it on my own I got worse with germs and checking the house several times before leaving which always results me in being late for college! I would unplug everything go downstairs and go back up again to check I know they are off but I can't leave I need to check sometimes I will go twice and when I finally leave I will suddenly feel scared that I have forgotten something and not turned it off and that it may set on fire so I would suddenly feel like turning back but I know im already late so I just try dealing with the horrible feeling and guilt until it passes. Also started having intrusive thoughts but I see them more as images rather than actual thinking and they really upset me because that's not me as a person I could never hurt anyone ever it goes against everything I believe in especially violence! I was mortified by these thoughts but I always knew that I couldn't hurt anyone so always told myself to shut up but that just made the thoughts worse it branched off the more I tried to fight it or try thinking about it, by reading about these things I'm guessing it could be some sort of OCD? I haven't a clue I just want it to be gone I have had these thoughts every single day at random it gets worse with watching scary films because I get nightmares and before I go bed I see everything ive seen and straight away see it happening to me and so on which is why I have stopped watching them. I guess I just wan't peoples advice on what it could be and how to deal with it and if its treatable, I want my own mind back and feel like myself again because I feel like im getting these thoughts more and more each day and its getting worse with the germs too I wash my hands too much my mum always complains and thinks its stupid, I always carry a sanitizer with me now for extra protection and today I couldn't bring myself to use a cash machine with bare hands so I ended up putting an old check/receit over my fingers because I forgot my sanitizer! I try to be as normal as possible so people don't notice my obsessiveness because I just joke my way out of it. I am a closed person I keep things to myself because I feel like if I say anything people will judge me so this is a first for me . I apologise for going on so much I just wanted to give everyone an idea. I just want some advice about the thoughts :( I'm not so bothered about the germs and checking

15-12-12, 23:59
Hi lilym

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-12-12, 08:40
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


16-12-12, 09:03
If you haven't already, go and discuss all these symptoms with your doctor. If it is hard for you to describe your feelings in words, print out the message you have written here and take it with you. Don't suffer in silence.

All the best.

16-12-12, 12:09

:welcome: to NMP Im new here, but I have found the posts very informative, hope you enjoy your stay.


16-12-12, 13:12
Thank you all for the warm welcomes, I am glad you have all found it helpful I hope I will too! Good luck

16-12-12, 18:13
Hi lilym

Welcome to the forum. It's a very friendly and supportive bunch here so don't be afraid to post your thoughts, fears and symptoms.

All the best
