View Full Version : Constipation liver concern

16-12-12, 00:16
Hi basically I have been backed up for about 3 weeks well over those 3 weeks I've had back ache! Belly ache! Shooting pains in chest and ribs etc...I managed to get a bowel movement twice today both times though righ before my head started going a little funny ( not sure whether that was cuz I was anxious about it) but right after I felt fine again! As for my head I've taken tablets but nothing shifts the head pressure/zaps/lightheaded! My concern though is the colour of the stools! Very light coloured! And look like almost fluffy if that makes sense! I did have an abdom X-ray that determined I was constipated 3 weeks ago but I read from dr google that those kind of stools can mean liver disease or failur! Im only 21 and very over weight but am trying to turn my life around but it's just one thing after another help :(