View Full Version : Sorry in advance

16-12-12, 03:04
Feel so embarrassed that yet again I need help, with this
I must sound so boring, this always happens early hours of the morning
having fallen asleep then woke feeling terrified and shaking, if this post
does not make much sense it's because has I type this the feelings of panic
and shaking are so frightening :scared15:
I know something I now have to seriously think about taking
the medication I was prescribed last week(quetiapine ) it seems its
the only way I will ever get any peace and normality so I can sleep
and be free of these terrifying episodes.....which I have been posting
about since I joined last year, I have resorted to taking 2 mgs of Valium
15 minutes ago which I hate having to do but feel so desperate when
I feel so frightened.....think I'm just rambling now to keep my mind
occupied until this passes
Yes I'm scared to take the quetiapine but I have to believe I will be ok
I just cannot go on like this, had my first panic attack/DP when I was 21
and I'm now 48

16-12-12, 08:18
It is probably really difficult for you, but try the medication the doctor has prescribed for you, surely side effects will not be as bad as you are feeling at the moment.

All the best, I do understand how you feel.

16-12-12, 08:29
The right med can work wonders. I have found one that works for me - Duloxetine - and I ain't never coming off it. I wish you all the best.


16-12-12, 16:43
Dear Mands take the medication or at least give it a try. It is still a very small dose. I'm sure that the benefits will outweigh the negatives. Take care. EJ x

16-12-12, 16:49
All medications have side effects - you need to weight up whether you think experiencing some (usually temporary) side effects outweights how you're feeling.

Have you also tried little things to help you stay calm? A cup of chamomile tea can work wonders, and is a very gentle sedative.

16-12-12, 18:01
I'm still searching for the perfect med, but your Doctor has thought that you'll benefit from quetiapine, so it's worth giving it a try. Surely it can't be worse than you're going through. If it is just stop taking it straight away and see your Doc again.

All the best :hugs:

17-12-12, 01:50
Hello mandshere2000 :)

I'm sorry you've been suffering for so long with your anxiety. If it helps you aren't the only one so we are here to advice you and help if possible. And stop apologising for ranting we all need to rant every know and again :) hope you're feeling better today xxxx