View Full Version : Sleeping pattern? Health risk?

16-12-12, 05:33
Just looking for some advice really...for years now about 5 since I was 17 years old my sleeping pattern as gone like this

Sleep 6am - wake any time between 12 mind day (<<rarely) and 6:30pm
Then sometimes
Sleep between 6am and mid day - wake anytime in the evening

It has been like that for as long as I can remember I work as a door supervisor so I finish late at night/2am but I could quite easily get in and go straight to sleep In theory! However my body is use to it being like that now so doesn't feel the need!

What effects could this be having on my anxiety/depersonalisation/depression and other area of my health?

Also does anyone have any tips to get my sleeping pattern back on track as I'm changing my lifestyle NOW!!!

Also because its been so long do you think it will take a long time to adjust or will my body be almost saying "thank you lord your resting me properly" (me being my bodies lord of cause :)

16-12-12, 08:34
I don't have any tips for you but I am convinced that good quality sleep is essential for mental well-being. I wish you all the best.
