View Full Version : can u feel anxiety chest symptoms all day everyday?

16-12-12, 10:01
hi, for the last 6 months or so my chest has felt tight/achey pain feeling all day every day. ive had 3 ekgs and blood tests all came back normal. i dont know y i cant accept it as anixiety i feel so restricted because of it. i am on meds and under therapy aswell.
cheers guys

16-12-12, 10:12
Yes you can feel any pain that you imagine, I used to feel pain in the jaw for 6 months for no reason, just was anxious about it, and its not the only one, now i m obssesed with other things. Thats somatization, even neuro doctor told me that we can make tingling or pain just by thinking about it or reading, or when hear about it. Its just we r to preocupied with whats "in" us, and we dont pay atention on the things going around us. It can be realy depressive,

16-12-12, 10:38
My answer to you question is yes as well I have the same feeling as you and it has been with me for near on 3 years. Like you I have had loads of ecgs and also 2 stress test ecgs and also 2 trips to a&e and on both occasions they did all the bloods, chest X-rays, ecgs and all the tests came back normal.

Anxiety make us very aware of even the slightest twinge and makes it out to be something more! But in people who don't suffer from anxiety that little twinge means nothing to them but for use it means the end of the world BUT it is not!!!

I'm still going though this and I'm not to sure when it will ever end BUT I have to keep faith that it will.

Hope this is off help

16-12-12, 11:10
“Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.” ~ Groucho Marx

Great quote xtremx...

16-12-12, 12:05
Am the same but mine is my stomach I concentrate on so I feel EVERYTHING that goes on in there so an usually suffering with something each day " IBS / acid etc" just never settles but I no most of it is my anxious mine working over time :(

17-12-12, 16:47
I'm exactly the same eddy so yes you can! I have had constant pains both stabbing and pressure feelings, twinges, spasms, pain in left arm, pain in jaw, cold feeling around heart etc etc etc for 7 months now.

I've had all the ecgs and bloods which have been fine. I try really hard to accept its just anxiety but as you will know when the pain is so constant your mind keeps whispering to you "they're wrong it is something serious".

I've been on meds for just over 3 weeks and have started cbt last week and the last few days have been better. Far from cured don't get me wrong but I actually only had one or two twinges Saturday and Sunday and only a few so far today so for me that's huge progress so you can do it as well!

Believe what the doctors tell you and try to let those negative thoughts drift on by as all they do when you cling on to them is feed the anxiety and make your pains worse.

Ive found this website brilliant for support. Try reading a few of the posts in the ECG section. I don't know why but it reassured me more than any other posts I'd read that as I kept telling myself that I didn't have pain during the ECG so they might have missed something. I don't know if it is directly linked but to was on Friday and as I say I've been quite a lot better since so far.

17-12-12, 17:03
I def think it's anxiety. I have it really bad at least once a week and today is one of those days. It's terrible to feel like this all day at work.

And you took all those tests. Your fine. :yahoo:

02-11-17, 22:51
I am a 16 year old girl who used to be able to cope with her anxiety, it started as little habits and butterflies in my stomach and headaches but over the past two days I have constant chest tightness, a lump in my throat feeling and I panic and cry a lot, I feel like I am driving my mom crazy. Since its constant I am always aware of my breathing and its always in my concious causing me to take in too much air and hyperventilate. There were many times over the past few days I have thought I was dying due to the pressure in my chest. I can't go out and its a school break, don't know how I will face school again. I am going to the doctors tomorrow to see if all is okay and I keep telling myself it will be and I will get through this. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and I can reclaim my life.

02-11-17, 23:15
Yes- and here is a major reason why. When you have anxiety oftentimes you will take very shallow breaths (you may not even feel this or know you are doing it) thus, you are using your chest muscles to breath and not your diaphragm. This results after a long enough amount of time is: pain. I hyperventilate and then have pain and honestly, it has gotten to points where it's been pretty excruciating because my bad breathing patterns have gone on that long. Now that I understand the causes though, it's been markedly better.