View Full Version : change in meds, escitalopram?? any other good ones

16-12-12, 10:12
hi, i am on mirttazapine 45mg been on them for few years me and the doctor agreed a change is needed as if anything ive been getting worse. he recommended escitalopram just wondered if anyone knows what they or like or any other good tablets. i know everyone is differant but just trying to get a better outlook.
cheers guys

17-12-12, 12:54
have you looked at the escitalopram forum on here? It is pretty informative. I am on it ... I started it in September and it really helped me a lot. I had side effects for a couple weeks but they are all gone now. There are initial side effects with all of them.

17-12-12, 16:19
Hi Eddy,

I found Esciltaopram (Cipralex) relatively easy to start 5 years ago, started on 10mg but for the first few days took half a tablet. I found that they worked pretty quickly and I was encouraged by this. They worked for me. I went from having continuous panic attacks for 2 months to within a week or 2 being able to sleep and eat again, gradually started feeling good. I have been on them for 5 years. Recently I had a blip and was told by my GP to swap from this to Mirtazapine. I came off the Escitalopram and realised that they WERE in fact working so was a big mistake to stop them or maybe the Mirtazapine should have been increased sooner. Anyway Im back on them, I wanted to get them in my system as quickly as possible so started on 20mg straight away pretty much, and this time I did feel worse before I got better its only been one month still up and down but hopefully will even up. This may be because I took 20mg straight away.