View Full Version : Hair issues

Anxious lu
16-12-12, 10:31
hey these last couple of months Ive been really concerned as I just seem to be malting more than usual.

My hair is longer than I have had it in quite a few years now and it is over due a haircut. It started in around the beginning of november.

My hair seems thinner to me and everyone else thinks I'm being silly but I am really worried my hair is falling out!!!

I have no visible bald patches or anything and it is usually worse when my hair is wet.

Can anybody reassure me?

16-12-12, 10:52
I've been malting like mad for weeks, and my sister, Mum and friend have mentioned that they have too. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

16-12-12, 12:59
Same as me! Although I've convinced my self I'm going grey to at 19 years old! X

16-12-12, 13:17
I'm the same at the moment! I think it's something to do with the winter, and as for the grey hairs, Emma, I've had a few hahah. Think it's to do with dying my hair so often though!

16-12-12, 13:43
Same here. Theres hairs everywhere. I keep changing my shampoo, but it makes no
difference.i don't use dye either. I am going to put it down to stress because i am always stressed, or worried about something.

16-12-12, 13:44
Yes stress could be the answer! Properly is to be honest I have really really thick hair like a curly frizzy Afro when it grows kind of hair so kind of want mine to thin a bit haha xx take care