View Full Version : Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

16-12-12, 10:52

I did a similar post a little while back, but incase folks missed it I want to mention it again. I am not going to mention what it is and the effects it can have on you, but I really recommend you check it out.

On my quest to rid my self of "panic" I have learned a few things that have improved things a lot. I have been down the road of pills, and even though I am not knocking them they did not work for me. Infact they caused more stress, side effects, the right pill , etc and they did not work, please correct me but I am yet to find a person who takes pills and suffers from zero panic attacks. anyway, one thing I have learned is when I feel ill my panic attacks are worse, when I feel great I am able to deal with them alot better, try new things and "give it a go" . So I looked at my life style and in detail my diet and after a bit of googling i discovered MSG and how the effects where similar to how my panic attacks made me feel. Hence to say that when I stopped eating food with that crap in it i started to feel great, A great starting tool to dealing with your panic attacks the way God intended, natural.


16-12-12, 13:58
That is interesting, but how do you tell which foods contain this ingredient? I've hardly ever seen it on the ingredients lists on the foods I eat.

16-12-12, 17:52

hope this helps