View Full Version : morning tension can keep my anxiety and panicky for hours

16-12-12, 11:49
i wake up very morning with so much tension in my neck shoulders and chest you no the tension that makes you feel like you cant get a breath i use to think it was my pillow i have tried all diffrent kinds and still the same in fact i have just noticed it even goes down my arms as well it takes best part of the day for it to ease off and it makes me feeel paniccky wich in turn i guess keeps the tension going this as been going on for weeks i am finding it hard to get to sleep at night its always around two and three am when i get to sleep then i dont get up till 10am wich i hate i really want to get up early so that i feel better ealry in the day if you get what i mean i do have a few probs going on at home wich is making my anxiety sky high so is this my answer take care all trish xx

16-12-12, 11:55
Hi Trish

It could be the problem. I used to have that problem until i removed any form of caffine from my diet, I used to drink loads esp in the evening.. After a few days I found i could sleep much better and woke up feeling great. Though the fact you are not sleeping till the early hours cannot be helping much, try doing a brisk walk in the evenings it does wonders.

good luck dude

16-12-12, 12:18
hi thanks for yr reply a brisk walk sounds good but i am agraphobic so even the things that are happening at home i can not take a walk away from it all wish i could but thankyou any way xx