View Full Version : XMAS, NO thanks

16-12-12, 12:25
I know it's supposed to be the season of good will but, for some who don't celebrate it , for what ever reason - does it make you feel like Scrouge , when people say "happy christmas and a happy new year"????

I do and I feel so bad but, I just can't get into that gusshy Christmas sentimental mode, at all! I'm all for new beinings but, shouldn't every day you wake up be seen as, lucky & an opportunity for brighter and better things??? Shouldn't we feel blessed we've been given the opportunity to wake up for a new day, never mind a new year?

So soo sorry for rant, don't get me wrong, I like the twinkling lights and the decorations but, the whole - good will to all men and people suddenly being 'nice' when, throughout the rest of the year they've been a pain in the arse, just leaves me annoyed and synical.
Anyone else like this?????

16-12-12, 12:56
Same as me it's a huge inconvience to my life in my opinion. I never feel happy and tbh I'm dreading the two weeks we have to take off at Xmas at my work as I'd rather work lol! Your not alone

16-12-12, 13:54
You got it so right col

16-12-12, 17:59
Its to commercial for me, a complete retail rip-off. Its even worse when people go into debt for it. Makes me smile how the shops open boxing day, and staff are forced to work,, I would have thought people would have been sick of spending by christmas morning... Its become a con if you ask me.

merry christmas

17-12-12, 06:16
I couldn't agree more with what's been said :)

I've been slowly going off Christmas for a few years now, but this year I have reached an all time low with it:huh:

So I have given myself permission to just "not do it"!! It's not like we have too.....every year lately I've put on my "plastic smile" and just tried to get through it, but this year I said "NO"!!...it's been the best decision I've made in a long time I think. The pressure was instantly lifted from me once I made that decision:)

I just find the whole thing too much. I know I'm going to sound like an "old biddy" now lol.....but Christmas for me has just completely lost it's meaning. I'm not talking about religion or anything like that, I just mean that what it used to stand for is no more.

For so many people now Christmas is a dreadful time of year, to a lot, it just amplifies their problems, pain and hurt for whatever reason and there are many.

And I completely agree that it's just turned into a huge commercial event now, which just puts people under even more pressure......buy this! buy that!...you must have this! and you must have that!......no problem if you can't afford it, we'll give you heaps of credit to put you up to your ears in debt for the next 3 years!!....oh but you'll have a wonderful Christmas!!! lol.....and then, just to add salt to your wounds, you go off to the supermarket a couple of days after Christmas, see all the stuff you've just spent your well earned money on now going for "half price" and then armed with your "squeaky and wonky wheeled trolley" you head up the next isle and what sight beholds you???.........yep! you've got it!!..........EASTER EGGS!!!! lol.

So in a nutshell, it will just be me, my partner and my two kitty cats for the two days and it's going to be sooooo lovely:D I will be cooking Christmas Lunch but only cos I know my partner loves it and I didn't have it in my heart to deprive the poor man of everything:noangel:

I will wish everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year but I'm wishing them to be happy with how they choose to spend it, as long as they're happy that's all that matters, so I say just have the Christmas you feel comfortable with:)

17-12-12, 06:43
from bad experiences i dont like xmas

17-12-12, 11:12
I couldn't agree more with what's been said :)

I've been slowly going off Christmas for a few years now, but this year I have reached an all time low with it:huh:

So I have given myself permission to just "not do it"!! It's not like we have too.....every year lately I've put on my "plastic smile" and just tried to get through it, but this year I said "NO"!!...it's been the best decision I've made in a long time I think. The pressure was instantly lifted from me once I made that decision:)

I just find the whole thing too much. I know I'm going to sound like an "old biddy" now lol.....but Christmas for me has just completely lost it's meaning. I'm not talking about religion or anything like that, I just mean that what it used to stand for is no more.

For so many people now Christmas is a dreadful time of year, to a lot, it just amplifies their problems, pain and hurt for whatever reason and there are many.

And I completely agree that it's just turned into a huge commercial event now, which just puts people under even more pressure......buy this! buy that!...you must have this! and you must have that!......no problem if you can't afford it, we'll give you heaps of credit to put you up to your ears in debt for the next 3 years!!....oh but you'll have a wonderful Christmas!!! lol.....and then, just to add salt to your wounds, you go off to the supermarket a couple of days after Christmas, see all the stuff you've just spent your well earned money on now going for "half price" and then armed with your "squeaky and wonky wheeled trolley" you head up the next isle and what sight beholds you???.........yep! you've got it!!..........EASTER EGGS!!!! lol.

So in a nutshell, it will just be me, my partner and my two kitty cats for the two days and it's going to be sooooo lovely:D I will be cooking Christmas Lunch but only cos I know my partner loves it and I didn't have it in my heart to deprive the poor man of everything:noangel:

I will wish everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year but I'm wishing them to be happy with how they choose to spend it, as long as they're happy that's all that matters, so I say just have the Christmas you feel comfortable with:)

Sooooooo right, loving the bit about plastic smile ( that's what I do, my parents are soooo stupid 4 Christmas) BUT if I said I didn't celebrate it they'd blame my hubby whoes Muslim. Just adds to the whole christmas nightmare! This year I don't care I've had Enough and they know it!
The bit also about shopping then a few days after Christmas day everything is half price!!!!! Why don't others see this??? Are we under that much pressure especially from our own families?????a joke people are mugs!
But yep however you choose to spend this dreadful time, I hope every one gets through it ok xxxxxxxxxx:grouphug:

17-12-12, 13:46
Interesting isnt it this whole Christmas thing? I used to think I was the odd one out, not really liking it so I'm finding it a relief to hear I'm not.
I know precisely why I dont like it..... past Christmas's at home being wrecked by my drunken brothers behaviour, fights, arguments. The whole atmosphere at home degenerated because my brothers came home for a few days. I spent much of the time hiding in my room, feeling scared at times. I'll never forget the my brother coming home all bandaged up as someone had put a bottle put in his face. He ended up with a terrible scar which hasnt faded in 30 years).
Also I so agree about the commercial aspect; people spending ridiculous amounts of money (& some getting into debt) ..... for the sake of what.... 1 day!! Panic buying.... like you say the shops are open Boxing Day.... Then there's the over-eating, getting blind drunk & worse. Horrid. New Year makes me feel the same because of the alcohol related stuff. I know this isnt helped by 2 of my brothers being alcoholics & 1 dying from the disease - so I hate being around people when they are drunk. I dont understand why people do it to themselves & then (by their ridiculous out of control behaviour) take it out on others. I'm sure this is why, like me, many people have social anxieties over this time of year.
The thing is, I am coming to realise that despite being quite "anti" what I mention above, this doesnt stop me making my Christmas what I want it to be. It is time to put the past behind me. I cant change what it was & I cant erase unpleasant memories but......I can decide to make future Christmases/New Year better.
My partner & I had a lovely quiet day together last year - the first one we spent on our own in years & it was fab. We avoided all the above crap which was just great. My only downer was ringing my Mother to wish her a Happy Christmas. She put my brother on the phone (the one who died). He swore at me & my partner so I put the phone down. That might have been the last time I spoke to him but he was horrid to me all my life so he is no great loss. At least now he cant do anything to me anymore.
So this year, over the holiday period, I am not seeing or speaking to anyone who has a bad affect on me. It's time I made the positive step to make Christmas into what I want it to be. We're off to my partner's family for Christmas lunch & are planning a right good time with them. They've got kids so we can play the mischievous aunties!
Actually, before my brothers got too boisterous I can remember as a child that I found Christmas really exciting. I'd love to feel like that again so hopefully over the next few years I can achieve that.
So people, I ask..... what can you do to make your Christmas better? I'm hoping I'll get a chance to go online xmas day & say hello to my friends on here!!!!

17-12-12, 20:47
Ahh Tessar, sooo sorry to hear about your awful experiences.
I have a crap family situation also, In fact ~ shocking and I'm gonna take a leaf out of ur book ad not bother with people who have a bad effect on me now over XMAS or full stop!

Hope what uve planned goes well.:winks:

17-12-12, 21:03
Hi Col Probably in danger of being called a misery but have not celebrated christmas for the past 10 years. I have no children, so don't think it really matters, my husband does not mind as he does not celebrate it for religious reasons. I like to see other people enjoying it but it is just not for me. Christmas also has very bad memories for me, family arguments mainly, can remember spending the majority of them when I was younger in tears. I still find Christmas a very depressing time of the year. :flowers:

17-12-12, 21:18
Hi alma, everyone one to their own and that's the thing! But others sometimes don't see it like that and think your a scrouge. I feel like I'm always under immense pressure one way or another and have to conform, to the whole Christmas thing. I think a lot of people feel the same. I don't mind christmas itself , I simply because of my very disfinctional parental family that I come from, would rather not! I come from a catholic background and my hubby is Muslim BUT the thing is - as a couple we are so liberal and laid back! We have our own beliefs but that's it, I don't go to church and he doesn't go to the mosque, unless there's an event of some sort. We simply get on and have a lovely marriage (7+yrs). My family have since day one made issues about us, they'll say "ohh what did you get each other for Christmas????". My hubby would have no chance if I really wanted to stick a tree up and sing carols , he'd give up! For ME ,It's just simply an over rated con. Not about religion for the majority and horrendous horrendous pressure ~ just goes against the whole true meaning of Christmas! Then on top, my family have worn my patience very very thin over the last 10 years , so I just want to keep the whole period, a celebration of good Telly and chilling out with a take away:roflmao: and nothing much more X

17-12-12, 21:30
You are so right Col, it is family pressure and the expectation that you have to be involved that irritates me. My husband is Jewish and does not celebrate, but still you get looked at really funny if you don't get involved with the whole planning, spending, etc. We just do not even acknowledge it is happening, no decorations, presents and I just tell family and friends not to buy us anything. Like you say it is each to their own and I am happy for other people to enjoy themselves.

17-12-12, 22:45
I'm glad I'm not the only one who experiences this time in a difficult way & I mean that in a nice way, in that sometimes, it can feel isolating. I'm glad u put ur foot down on pressie, thing! In the past I've not been as brave as U to set that boundary, but as I'm getting older I'm getting there! Hope it goes by smoothly 4 U. If anything - if ur not working enjoy the break & the tv XXX:)