View Full Version : always talking abouit my anxiety and bieng around negative people?

16-12-12, 15:04
hi just want to ask people if they talk about thier anxiety all the time, i cannot stop itim always telling my family and even i tell people i dont knowthat i have it and i dont know why i do this , i feel that im obsessed with the anxiety and leting it take over my life. im asking this because i asked my daughterwho is only 16 and she suffers mild anxiety and how it effects her living with me because of my anxiety and also bcause i have my sister and son living with us who both suffer with depression . as all my sister does is sleep till 2 inthe afternoon and just sits watching tv till 8 pm till she takes her sleeping pills so she can go back to sleep,she sleeps in my living room which doesnt help, and my son just stays in his room all the time, and my young daughter told me thats why she spends most of her time in her room is because it makes her feel depressed bieng around negative people, it has made me feel so sorry for my daughter living like she does bieng round me and my sister and son ,and it is also effecting me living with some one who has depression as every one bieng so negative around me when im trying to think and be positive myself , so could all of this that is going on round me be apart of me not helping my anxiety, sorry for ranting on i just wanted to tell some one how things are at the moment and what might help me , thk you

16-12-12, 15:42
I don't talk about my anx to anyone. I have found some meds that help - Duloxetine - and I get on with things and put on as happy a front as I can manage. I wish you all the best.


16-12-12, 16:48
I think that your living arrangements are not helping your anxiety. If you are able, get out as much as you can and try to mix with people who are not so negative. Also encourage your children to go out more often. Being struck in the house all the time would make anyone depressed. Try and get your sister up earlier in the day, for her benefit as much as yourself and your children.

16-12-12, 17:52
hi thk you both for ur replys and think i need to make alot of changes in my home and take ur advice and try and get out more and not be around the negative people

16-12-12, 19:18
I think that your living arrangements are not helping your anxiety. If you are able, get out as much as you can and try to mix with people who are not so negative. Also encourage your children to go out more often. Being struck in the house all the time would make anyone depressed. Try and get your sister up earlier in the day, for her benefit as much as yourself and your children.

I agree with this. I know it's hard to think outwardly but I believe your children would benefit greatly if you focused on getting them out more often - maybe you spending some time out with them?

I am sure your sister has her own issues but her lifestyle seems to be impacting negatively on your lives! Maybe a quiet kind conversation with her could get her to try and change.