View Full Version : Always something

16-12-12, 16:59
I'm so worried I have ovarian cancer. Can't get it out of my mind, read so many stories on the net that i am convinced i have it. I did have lower abdo pain but that has gone now get lower back ache and i am sure my stomach is bigger but not bloated. Been to docs a couple of weeks ago and she was not worried . Wh
y cant i stop worrying .

29-12-12, 20:00
Still getting the occasional pain, it like a stabbing pain but too painful. No more back ache or feeling bloated. It even went away for a couple of days. It's not there all the time.

29-12-12, 20:24
I have done exactly the same with my breasts. Don't google or read stories - they don't help. If your GP isn't worried you don't have anything to worry about either. Again, easier said than done I know x