View Full Version : I'm afraid to take my antibiotics

16-12-12, 19:08
It all started when I had some side effects from antidepressants, before that I was blissfully unaware if side effects and didn't think twice about taking meds.

But then when my anxiety was at its worst I needed antibiotics.
I've since learned there's a link between the good bacteria in your tummy and and anxiety, so antibiotics can kill off the friendly bacteria so I'm hoping probiotics will fix that problem.

So anyways I managed to take those pills, but I had so many symptoms!
Which I assume were anxiety but I was so afraid it was a reaction to the antibiotics.
Burning lips, tingling, tight throat, breathless and so on.

Eventually I freaked out, my ears went numb, I was convinced my hands were swelling up and my throat closing. In reality they weren't.

I almost fainted due to hyperventalating,
My chest and back felt like I was being crushed from both sides.
It was scary I have never experienced anything like it before!

That's why I'm afraid the antibiotics caused it!
I managed to calm down enough to get into bed, my skin felt like it was crawling,my whole body just felt very weird!

I've managed to take liquid penicillin since then.

Now I've to take augmentin, which makes me very nausous but the doctor said I should try it. But I don't know if I'll be able to handle feeling sick.

I know I'm being silly but I'm so afraid the drugs will harm me or I'll convince myself I am dieing!

I don't know how to take them and not worry about every symptom!
My throat feeling tight is the worst, as you know yourself if you panic it really feels like you can't breathe!

I did manage to take painkillers I was afraid of :) I was put off then too!
I mean I went through some serious sinus pain n headaches because I was afraid of my pain meds that I've taken a million times before!

I don't know what to do about the antibiotics though, because they give me thrush I've 2 of those tablets to take afterwards!!

17-12-12, 05:33
I totally sympathise with you on this but from a logical point if view if the tabs you took before had caused those symptoms then you would of had an allergic reaction and for your throat to close etc it would of been a bad one and it wouldn't of stopped when you calmed down if you think about it so it must if been your ha and your imagination because you obviously know that they put on all tablets etc the side effects including the really rare ones so if you're aware of what they can be you can make your body feel them viscous circle really I won't take any different tabs to what I've had before cos I know that I would do exactly the same n once you e taken it you can do anything about it but if its just a but sick u felt I'm sure you'll feel ok if they're going to help u then u should take them

Big hugs xx

18-12-12, 01:58
That makes perfect sense!
I don't know why I didn't think of that!
I mean it more than likely was my anxiety but even if it was partly the antibiotics it was not a dangerous reaction, plus my symptoms improved once I calmed down and slept it off !

It's amazing how anxiety can alter your thinking :)

I really just needed someone to be logical for me.
Honest your reply really helped me to think straight.

You're right 99% of the dangerous reactions happen right away .
The milder ones tend to happen slow, like I got hives from a non penicillin antibiotic so I stopped right away and I was fine.
I never get hives so I'm sure it was the tablets.

Things really aren't are scary when you can think about without the anxiety.
Thanks so much for the reply you've helped a lot .

20-12-12, 09:53
I know how you feel, I had an ear infection a couple of weeks back and was given amoxicillin and told to also take normal pain relief.

2 of those and 2 paracetamol at the same time sent me loopy! I felt spaced out, dizzy, dry mouth, and panic set in! I also started getting pains just below my ribs on my right side after 3 days and my tummy was rather, over active!

Got some blood tests and all came back fine, I just paniced on them I guess. However I took Yakult to top the good bacteria which restored my tummy to a normal routine.

Luna night
26-10-18, 23:03
Hello I’ve had wisdom gum infection for the last two weeks so the dentist has given me am
Amoxicillin 500g three times a day and my anxiety has spiralled. My stomach also aches and feels sensitive. I really not sure if I want to take another one. ����