View Full Version : coped with hospital - may trigger

24-08-06, 13:19
I wasnt sure whether or not to write about this but I decided that I would - in the hope that it will give reassurance to people who like me have health anxiety.I have put it under Success Stories - because I coped.

I have had GAD with panic attacks severerly for 9 years which have taken over my life to the extent i was agopraphobic for years. But with the correct coping strategies I have made a relatively good recovery.

A few days ago I took unwell - I wont go into the details - but I knew it was different as none of the calming strategies were working but the strange thing was I was so calm - no panic no anxiety because my mind was focussed on this pain. I phoned my gp and after a few minutes of examining he phoned an ambulance to take me to hospital where i was kept in overnight for observations and tests. I was alone. my parents on holiday. no mobile contact (which is my lifeline) had to be switched off. managed to get hold of a friend who came in and sat with me for a few hours. I have never been so terrified in all my life - but i constantly used CBT and kept on control of my panic cause i didnt want problems to escalate - i felt so surreal and had to deal with all my fears. Lying alone in a hospital bed not knowing what was going on was scary and very lonely considering all the other patients were surrounded by their families and I could feel myself getting upset - but again the nurses were bril and kept me company.

I got my results and there was no immediate danger but further tests will be done - but I am so proud of what i acheived and it made me realise that i have spent 9 yrs thinking what if - and when it did happen - I COPED!!!! We are so much stronger than we think and although i feel tired and exhausted now I know that when I am seriously ill - it is different and the doctor did recognise and do something about it which was one of my fears.

I am left a bit shaken but i will take things easy and continue to keep the negative what ifs at bay.


........life is for living not just for surviving

24-08-06, 13:27
Oh Darkangel ,that is fab news[well not that you were taken to hospital hun!]it is amazing how we do react differently when we are faced with a real illness,it is so not the same as panic attacks and health anxiety is it!I was the same when i was ill and in hospital,most odd really!!But hun ,it proves to you that real life can be dealt with and you dealt with this sooowell,well done you!!I hope yu are feling much better soon and that they sort the cause of your pain.Much love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

24-08-06, 13:40
Hey Dark,

Wow well done you. I'm so proud of you cos you did brilliant.

Take Care


24-08-06, 15:56

Well done mate - I think you are such a trooper!!:D:D:D

Love Piglet xx

polly daydream
24-08-06, 16:24
Hi Darkangel, well done you for keeping calm, it just shows what we can do when we put our minds to it.

Take care,


24-08-06, 16:57
Hi hun,

You did so well coping like that I am proud.

You take care of yourself.

Love & Wishes,

Pip's X X

24-08-06, 20:59

Well done you for coping.

It just goes to show that when we really have to do something then we can but you coped really well.

Hope you are ok now?


25-08-06, 04:44
Hi Dark,

I'm so glad you were able to manage when you were actually faced with having to go in the hospital. It is amazing how our survival mode kicks in when it has to. I hope you are okay and am so glad your coping methods worked, now you know that it really works! Do take it easy you have been through quite alot.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

25-08-06, 11:53
hi everyone and thanks for your kind words of support

i have been totally chilled this week and taking it easy. There comes a point when the fridge and cupboards are empty you just have to go shopping. This morning i drove my daughter to school and went into tesco - fridays not a good day to go - so busy - but there was no anxiety there at all. I relaxed all the way round and even had to wait behind 3 customers at till - its the big superstore i go to but I enjoyed it and was absolutyely fine.

I think i got the wake up call i needed to get things into perspective.

Chilling for rest of day now - until school pick up again!

Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

26-08-06, 23:22
Hi Hun

So pleased for you. Well done.

Take care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

Granny Primark
27-08-06, 10:51
Hi Dark,

I am really pleased for you. What a major achievement.
How great that you coped with the hospital then on Friday managed to go shopping in tesco.
Well done on both of these things

Take Care
Lynn xx