View Full Version : Noise anxiety, does anyone else have noise issues

16-12-12, 20:08
I have a very odd noise anxiety, it is very hard to describe. I have fairly extreme anxiety type reactions to noises especially if i cant control the noise/stop it or find its source. I often turn everything off so i can listen to see if there are any noises and when i go outside i find all the sounds overwhelming and i have to know the source of every noise. Bass in particular and music cause a very severe reaction, although i enjoy music when i choose to listen to it. Does anyone know what this is or how i can cure it, it really has a very negative effect on my life and ability to cope

16-12-12, 21:00
Probably not helpful, but I'm averse to outside noise, the odd thump from next door I can cope with, but like you bass heavy sounds go through me. I can hear a car's sound system (just the bass) from streets away.

Both my wife and I have an aversion to noise (that we can't control). I'm afraid we use earplugs when we want a bit of peace, especially for sleeping in.

18-12-12, 11:15
I'm the same, I wouldn't say noise itself makes me anxious - just uncomfortable to the point that I can't focus. I have an assortment of surveillance and "tactical" equipment, so I will spy on the neighbourhood through windows and walls until I find out the source.

Ocassionaly my neighbour slams a door, that puts me on edge and I get ready to dial 999 and hold a knife.. I know that's a an overreaction, especially now that I know the noises.

If it is people being loud at unreasonable hours I call the non-emergency police line and they send someone round (it's a small town so they're usually not busy). If it's some students having some sensible fun on a Friday/Saturday I just bolt the doors, make a cup of tea and put headphones on.

Fortunately I've found a nice house inbetween two old ladies and it's usually always quiet. Even when there is loud music in the area, the sensations usually aren't enough to make me uncomfortable; unlike when I was in a block of flats - awful time for me.

18-12-12, 21:02
hi i have a problem with noise sometimes when i talk on the phone i can hear myself talk i know that sounds strange .Also people sound like they are shouting sometimes especially when my dad talks to me sounds so loud.Im with u on the stereo thing aswell i cant stand being in a pub or anywhere where there is loud music goes right through me then my ears start ringing and i get off balanced.Its all to do with our bodies being sensitised cos of anxiety and a tired mind and warn out nervous system.Basically everything is exaggerated sounds,taste,smell,emotions,feelings,etc.The only thing we can do is accept it for now put it down to exaggerated symptoms of stress anxiety and not pay it to much attention i know its hard but once we desensitise by practicing facing our fears carrying on regardless and letting time pass our bodies will calm down and we wont have strong reactions to stress.Hope i have helped you:)

claire x

24-12-12, 19:45
Hi, not sure if this helps, but I struggle with noise too. Sounds such as paper and crisp packets rustling, people whispering and loud noises such as sirens cause panic attacks. I've found that playing white noise through headphones is very helpful, especially in social situations (such as university lectures) where you can't control the noise. It's still there, but it helps you switch off and concentrate on what you are doing. Hope this helps!