View Full Version : Introducing Myself

16-12-12, 20:21
Hello, my names Leah i am a 24 and live in the South West. I have suffered with Health Anxiety for 2 years now. When 1st diagnosed i decided to try and fight it on my own, after a years fighting i finally decided my own solutions were not working, so i went back to my doctor and they started me on 5mg of Ecitalopram eventually increased to 10mg, 15mg then 20mg the highest dose. I started to feel much better so i went back to my doctor and we both decided to start gradually coming off the medication and just 2 months ago i got back down to 5mg i was doing fine. However just a week ago i started feeling the anxiety creeping back up, started experiencing heart palpitations, heartburn, chest pain, pains in my upper back, shoulder and left arm so of course this set me off and i believed i was having a heart attack so much so that i had to go to A and E last night, they took my blood pressure and i had an ECG and everything was fine. So now im back 2 square 1, the doctor has advised i go back to 10mg which i have done, However the pain is still going on and im still convinced its my heart :-(
So that's me, looking forward to being able to talk to people in the same situation as me.
Thanks for reading and i will look forward to hearing from you

16-12-12, 20:31
Hi lilo10191

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-12-12, 20:44
Hi Leah

Welcome to the forum.

I'm sure you'll find plenty of information and support here as I have.


16-12-12, 20:44
Welcome, hope this helps you there are lots of people who understand just how you feel. X

16-12-12, 21:01
Thankyou for your kind replies. Ive got a dull ache in my upper left arm at the moment has been going on for about an hour. Im not having anxiety attack but i am however getting extremely worried about what it might be. Xx

16-12-12, 21:06
Hi and :welcome:

16-12-12, 21:43
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.
