View Full Version : getting really paranoid...

16-12-12, 22:17
I've spent the past two weekends sanding the doors in my house. I've just been using (and re-using) some really cheap dust masks and now I'm suddenly really scared that they haven't been working and I've breathed in loads of sawdust and am going to end up with lung cancer. There seems to be sawdust on the inside on some of the masks as well as outside and there was some dust in my nose when I blew my nose.

It's really stupid as I know I'm only doing occassional sanding and some people work in factories with wood and dust all their lives and are ok and it must take years of build up before it becomes a problem but I just can't stop my brain from going through all of these thoughts anyway. It's so frustrating!

16-12-12, 22:29
There is no way you will get lung cancer from that. My husband used to be a joiner and never even wore a mask and he is fine. Don't worry about it, you will be fine.