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View Full Version : I Miss Being Me.

16-12-12, 23:58
I have generalised anxiety disorder, but its starting to feel like that's who I am. My personality has been swallowed up by the fear that rushes through my body every moment of every day. I miss being me. Being able to be care free and just have fun. Now I worry about every detail. How can I just be me again?

17-12-12, 00:03
Don't worry, it'll take some time, but over that time, you'll start to get snippets of yourself back. Focus on continuing to do the things which you feel define you, your interests, favourite things, spend some time alone and some time with those you care about. Try your best not to let the fear/anx get in the way of the very things that you love to do in this life. You'll get back on track, like I said, it'll just take time. You are more than capable of doing this and you are stronger and much more resiliant than you think.

Chris x

18-12-12, 08:44
I have a view on this. This may sound far fetched but I still believe that having a panic disorder is a good thing. My life style prior was poor. Over weight, poor diet, little excerise and a smoker. The fear of the fear caused me to make life style changes, that have had a massive possitive effect on my life. Had it not been for my panics I would still be this fat, middle aged junk food smoker. When you start to claim your life back you see things differently, when you do things that once scared you the whole experiance is such a buzz. Right now you feel you want your life back, start the journey of recovery, there is so much information at your finger tips, avoid pills, go natural and one day in the future not only will you get your life back, but you will be much better for it.

good luck dude

18-12-12, 10:21
Hi absolutely the way I feel. Messed up career, limited to where I go and I used to go out and abroad without a second thought. So debilitating so worrying and scarey at times ,too!
Just want to say your not alone, I feel hopeless and frankly devastated, Im such a live wire and always the life and soul very chatty NOW I'd rather stay away and avoid situations and conversations because the dreaded panic attacks and anxiety is always at front of my mind , when I wake up when I go to bed , always there get shadowing me and my life. :hugs:

18-12-12, 11:10
Hi absolutely the way I feel. Messed up career, limited to where I go and I used to go out and abroad without a second thought. So debilitating so worrying and scarey at times ,too!
Just want to say your not alone, I feel hopeless and frankly devastated, Im such a live wire and always the life and soul very chatty NOW I'd rather stay away and avoid situations and conversations because the dreaded panic attacks and anxiety is always at front of my mind , when I wake up when I go to bed , always there get shadowing me and my life. :hugs:

Col, I could have written this post so all I can say is...same!

18-12-12, 11:17
and me i couldnt even go to jersey let alone america where i use to love going

18-12-12, 11:27
I just want to get to the post office to post a letter! :)

18-12-12, 11:49
annie and col I feel he exact same as you guys. its so hard and it happens so quickly all of a sudden you cant go out then you think about it constantly and so it continues. I miss myself aswel. girl92 you are not alone x