View Full Version : we are in control of our lifes :)

17-12-12, 01:22
Hello everyone :)

I used to post a lot on this site. But then I moved and started college so I was so busy. But I think I will start posting again as I think it helps me to rant and also help others if I can.

I am still struggling with depression and anxiety but tonight I have taken a step back and realised things have changed and for the better. I know have a home that's mine and started college and I'm doing well. All of these things I never thought I could accomplish.

My point being that its really easy to only notice the bad things in your life and because of this its really important to take a step back and evaluate your life. Noticing the good things as well as the bad. As well as realising the bad things that are happening don't have to overwhelm us and ruin the good things. We have more control over our lives than we think to make them whatever we want them to be :) xxx

17-12-12, 13:03
Welcome back.

You're right in that the negative stuff can cloud your thoughts so you can't see the positives in your life.

I also agree that sometimes you have to try to be objective to see how far you've progressed.

Glad things are going OK for you. I wasn't here when you were but it's always nice to see folk recovering.

17-12-12, 13:04
very positive post thanks x

17-12-12, 17:34
Thank you :) xxx