View Full Version : Norovirus :-(

17-12-12, 10:21
Hi so ive had the dreaded norovirus so has my little girl so since thursday my nerves are on the edge worrying it may turn out worse than it actually is. Thursday was a great day for me i went to the local preschool with my little girl for her second visit then took the dog for a walk and ventured down the local shop. I was feeling on top of the world and now im petrified of going out and feeling ill again:-( i have been in now for 3 days and when i look in the mirror i think i look pale and ill. I need that kick back but how do i get it ?? Just feel like when i am challenging myself and getting sumwhere something comes along to spoil it. Help and advice needed also experiences of your own? X

17-12-12, 12:51
Hi Pinkbrenda, poor old you having the dreaded virus and it really knocks you about for a while, so you are bound to feel under the weather at the moment. Just take it slowly and perhaps take your doggie for a short walk. I think this is just how life goes, you feel absolutely great then something comes along to spoil it, but I find I appreciate the good times more when they come and I put the bad things down to character building, in a few days you will be kicking back; by the time Christmas comes I am sure you will be feeling so much better, and enjoy the holidays.