View Full Version : Hi everyone.

17-12-12, 11:59
Just got back from my Doctor, let him in on what's been going on.
I've had a sore throat and a runny nose for 2 weeks (runny nose has gone now) and was concerned, he said it's a virus, sometimes they last weeks!

I asked him to feel my neck and explained how the gland I've felt in my neck since childhood has been the victim of my anxiety recently.
I asked him to feel it and he said it's just a gland you can feel, it's about 1cm in size (though I swear it feels absolutely huge to me)
He said if you want a scan done then you can, but if it will worry you then please don't you don't need one done it would just be for your own peace of mind.

He sent me on my way.

I've had a huge canker sore for 2 days and directly below it is a very sore but small lymph node. I felt the other side and have one the same size. I thought when a gland was sore it got bigger? Mine is just very sore.

Also my muscles have been so painful recently.
My arms, the top of my legs, my back, my hip, my neck....
I keep thinking lymphoma :(
I know I've asked before, but aches all over the body is a common side effect of anxiety right? Plus the aches move around and go away, if it was lymphoma they would stay right?


17-12-12, 12:23
Hi Reiss, please be assured that doctors do not lie to you, they are not allowed to these days. You will be fine and the aches and pains you have are bound to be the product of anxiety. I know what you mean when the doctor said your lump was 1cm but felt much larger, the tumour on my tongue is supposed to be 1cm but it feel like a plum stone in my mouth. Please just try to relax and enjoy your Christmas, I will say a prayer for you. My surgeon assured me that this cancer is operable and curable, it may be that I have to have radiotherapy is the lymph is affected but I am praying that I won't need it. Either way, it CAN be cured. Take care and thank you for your kind wishes:)