View Full Version : Help!!! Cloudy Urine

24-08-06, 17:08
Hi All,

Dunno if this is maybe one for the guys...could be different answers for men and women....

I've noticed that sometimes...usually first thing in the morning, my urine is cloudy. This then resolves and becomes clear for the rest of the day. I drink between 2 and 3 litres of water a day, so i don't think it's dehydration. I've had several urine tests via my GP and nothing shows up....no infection...no blood etc... I also had KUB (kidney, ureter, bladder) plain xray to rule out kidney stones...all clear and urine flow rate tests to rule out any blockages...again all clear.
I'm panicking in case the cloudiness is caused by cells being shed from my bladder and worrying it's maybe bladder or urethral cancer! Every time i pee i'm bracing myself, expecting to see blood in the bowl!
Does anybody else ever have similar cloudiness? Does anybody know why it's cloudy in the morning?

Sorry that this isn't the most pleasant topic to discuss. [:I]




"Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we could learn to dance on a moving carpet." - Anon

Silly Blonde
24-08-06, 17:16

I think its because it is more "concentrated" first thing in the morning, ie when you are sleeping you aren't drinking, so if you think about it logically it will be different in the morning.

I wouldn't worry - I terrified myself silly 'cos mine turned florescent yellow - it was the damned vit B tablets that I have just started taking!

If all your urine tests showing nothing, then you're absolutely fine (but I do know from bitter experience that even after tests, we slip back into the worry cycle!)

Take care

SB xx

24-08-06, 17:28
Definately cloudy and darker in the morning, then clears as the day goes on. I've also had the vit b bright yellow scare - why doesn't it say on the bottle.

anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

24-08-06, 18:54

Have you noticed it is cloudier at the start and at the end of your pee? This is something I worried about for a bit until one night at the pub my freind brought up the same thing. Once he said about it 3 others at the same table laughed we all experianced the same thing. We often discuss it now for the fun of it. I do recall someone claming to know the reason but cant remember now, it was perfectly simple explanation.

I really dont think its anything to get worried about especially if you have had tests done. I also had tests done but it was for diabetes, which came back clear.

Stress head Rach
25-08-06, 10:55
This is normal.... that is why when you have a wee sample they say to have the first one of the morning because it is more concentrated and your body has expelled more stuff as you sleep. When you think about it ... when you are asleep it could be 8 hrs before you empty your bladder but through the day could be approx every 3.... so makes sense really.

30-08-06, 08:47
Thanks for the reassurement guys...i'm obviously not unique in this, so guess it's nothing sinister.

Like you say SB, anything bad would have shown up in the tests. ...,though, i so agree that the reassurement from tests can be only temporary, i do still worry in case they've missed something!

CW :)

"Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we could learn to dance on a moving carpet." - Anon

03-11-16, 14:29
Came across this article could be helpful.
