View Full Version : Husband and son both ill.

17-12-12, 18:46
My son is long married and over 30 but just found out from his pregnant wife that he had come home from work with temp and aching all over so gone to bed. This has triggered the terrible anxiety I used to suffer when he was a child whenever he was ill. He was prone to fever whenever he caught anything as a child. When he was 21 he got blood poisoning from a pucture wound and spent week in hospital.
I suppose since he left home alot of the time I have not known he was ill if we hadn't been in touch but I happened to ring up this evening to see how his wife is ( ignorance would be bliss!).
My husband started with a really bad cough and cold today as well and must be feeling ill as he is just sitting around doing nothing and he only does that if he feels really bad as he is very stoical and carries on.

So I am back into panic mode, my son has got at least meningitis and my husband is about to develop pneumonia ( he has had this once in the past) and I have that horrible internal turmoil feeling if anyone knows what I mean.

17-12-12, 18:55
I know how you are feeling and it doesn't matter how old our kids get we can't stop worrying about them. My son was ill recently and I was just the same. I am sure his wife will take good care of him (that is what my husband told me when my son was ill!). I am sure your son and husband will soon be well again :hugs::hugs:xx

17-12-12, 19:43
I understand how you feel, I worry so much about my partner when he is ill and he gets bad chest infections, but if, after a day or so he seems to be getting worse I send him to the doctors just to be on the safe side. It is a bit different with your son being poorly as he has his wife to look after him but I am sure she is sensible enough to know if he needs medical intervention. It is a rotton time of the year to be feeling poorly with the Xmas festivities coming up and I do hope that both of them will be feeling much better in a few days. And you look after yourself too, keep yourself warm and cosy and give yourself a bit of TLC:)

17-12-12, 22:15
just to let you know i posted about this the other day ...
i thought i was the only one.
having ha about others i mean.
im mainly recovered with my panic/anx etc but just cant get over this last hurdle.

17-12-12, 23:04
I am also a terrible, horrible worrier about my kids.
Fine about me, though!
I do feel for what you are going through. At least you know that his wife is there looking out for him. I am sure your husband will be fine as well. There is a lot going about at the moment. My son (14) recently had an awful cold with temperature, etc. But it only lasted two or three days.

18-12-12, 11:23
Huge thanks everyone, nice to know I am not alone in this. Have sent a facebook message to my son saying hope he is a bit better and telling him his dad is very unwell but keeping it light and chatty as I don't want him to feel I am "fussing".
Sounds like a TB clinic at home with husband coughing but I know he will go to Drs if he needs to, having had pneumonia once he knows the symptoms!!

18-12-12, 12:16
it is horrid isnt it...
i thought i was th eonly one and got myself in a right tiz... this time of year doesnt help either.
its a horrid feeling and over takes your day...
i also do not worry about myself which is why people dont see it as true ha i think.

18-12-12, 16:57
Son replied to my message saying he had gone to work as taking time off is very frowned upon but the paracetamol was not beating the flu ache, silly man!

18-12-12, 22:33
Oh dear my husband is much worse as day has gone on. He has dreadful cough and streaming nose and headache and if he stands up he goes all light headed and wobbly. He is my taxi driver as I am partially sighted and we live too far from nearest bus stop for me to walk to and he isn't well enough to get in car and drive which is a worry. I do have good friends if necessary but don't want to ask!

12 years ago he got pneumonia same time of year and spent xmas in hospital but I was still driving then so I am worrying that this will turn into pneumonia like it did all those years ago.

Also worrying about coming down with it myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19-12-12, 05:23
Aw having the flu sucks.
Mine usually starts off with body aches. Then the fever and cough can take a few days to start.
A hot water bottle really helped with my aches.

I guess just keep an eye on their temperatures. Usually they'll start to go down after a day or two as they improve.

You might be lucky and not catch it. Take vitamin C it might help.
I've often had the flu and my family didn't catch it.

19-12-12, 11:49
hi country girl.
how is he today ?

19-12-12, 12:13
He is not feeling quite as ill as he did last night but wait and see if he feels as bad again tonight. He slept in the chair last night because he could not stop couging if he laid down and he said he woke about every 2 hrs coughing but at least got quite alot of sleep.

I haven't heard from son so don't know how he is doing.

Huge thanks for asking