View Full Version : is this angina ur stress need help

24-08-06, 18:52
hi can anyone help.i was takin into hospital last week pains in chest and not feeling to good i was kept over night on a heart monitor and had alot of blood tests taken anyway doc came to see me the following morning and told me the blood tests he was waiting on came back and was happy it wasnt a heart attack he has sent for me to a have an e c g on tredmill to see if it could be angina he did say it could well be stress as its the same symptoms of havin a heaert attack.anyway today im feeling really bad pains in my cheast in my arms and down my neck i thought i was havin a heart attack today and was goina go bk to a&e i was convinced i was havin a heart attack .i went for the e c g today she said my blood preasure was a bit high but that could be nerves and when i was fineshed it was still high she never said anythink about the test she only asked was the pain in my chest any worse ur the same well there was no change in it at all it was just when i got home my cheast was tight and i was convinced i was goina die im still getting all these symptoms has anyone else been thru somethin simlar ur im i on my way out

t motown

24-08-06, 19:00
hi tamla,

i get pains in my chest all the time, in fact i have got them now, i have got health anxiety relating to heart attacks since my partner suffered two, so i can relate to how you are feeling, but like you i cinvince myself that i am going to die or drop dead, i have had these pains on and off now for 2 years but more noticibly in the past nine months i have been to the doctors and they tell me its muscular.

i think it is muscular but trying to convince yourself that it is that is really hard.

hope you fel better soon

take care


24-08-06, 20:13
hi tamla i have been thro something very similiar i was kept in hospital overnite too with chest pains and terrible tightness,they gave me about 7 ecgs that nite and lots of blood tests and said it was all anxiety related and not my heart.this happend about 10 months ago i did a post about it in january if you search the health anxiety forum under chest pain it should come up.it was the most terryifying thing ive ever went thro ,my symptoms got worse on the ward i was talking to the nurse and i remember i felt very breathless and out of the blu my chest went extremly tight between my bust area and sweat then poured of me and my heart rate went through the roof this happend so suddenly i think even the nures thought it was my heart ,she ran and gave me a spray to put under my touge but it made me so dizzy i suppose that made me forget about the chet pain for 1 minte.then the doc came running with a ecg machine and said it was normal and that it was a panic attack.after that happend my chest was so painfull for weeks it was also so tight i felt as if someone was standing on it.my doc said i had worked myself in to such a state my chest muscles had cramped and this can cos pain for a good while.after that happend i developed agraphobia and havent left the house much since.dont let this ruin your life cos u have to remember they would not have let u out if it was serious.did they say anything about the ecg they did in the hospital when u were kept in ,did they think it was anxiety.as that is what it sounds to me .anxiety can cos horrific symtoms .i am starting to take small steps to recovering but its accepting that u wont drop dead at any moment is the hard part for me.i have had anxiety for 15 years but that was my worst expeirence ever.i hope this helps as you are in no way alone. take care marcai

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

24-08-06, 21:48
oh molly thats exatly whot happened everythink you said was so much the same i was and still am so frightend im sitting here now and the pains are so real someone asked me have i got pains in my neck cos if i had its deffinetly angina well as u can imagine i went into a panic cos the pains are in my neck and down my arms.im on my own tonight as my hubby,s travelled down to london to pick a car he,s just bought for me i should be over the moon as its the car ive always wanted but as you said about agraphobic i am exatly the same im so scared to go over the door just incase i collapse im so convinced ive got this heart problem i carnt think of anythink else.i also got the spray along with asprin and other pills ive got to wait to get the results of that e c g im hoping it is anxiety it does sound so simular to your experiance its awfull isnt it

t motown

24-08-06, 23:22
Hello Tamla,

I'am having and been having these chest pain for a week now

my pain comes and goes off and on all day. It is in between

breast and just kinda off to the right a little and my back musles

are so tight also and my chest feels really tight as i can't hardly

get my breath!!!!!!!!! I keep getting shortness of breath.

Is this anything like you have been going through? I haven't been

to the doctor yet as i hate going there. But may have to go soon

if it don't get better soon.... Hope your feeling better soon but i think

it does sound alot like MR. ANXIETY

heidi (judi)

25-08-06, 10:05
good morning heidi yes the pains seem to be between my breat comes and goes.i really thought my time was up last night very bad ,anyway ive promised myself that today im going to try and put it at the back of my mind and see how i get on as at the moment its taking over my life.anyway thanx that did reasure me thanx againe luv tam

t motown

25-08-06, 14:52
hi tamla sorry you had such a bad night .did the doc give you any idea what he thought at the hospital when u were admitted to what he thought it was.was all your heart tracings clear in the hospital .they will be doing a stress test treadmill just to reasure you.it really does sound like anxiety as heart pain would not be constant.also yes ive had the neck pain it is caused by tension just think how tense and frightend you feel it will be causing so much pain in your muscles.it is scary i no but once you get the all clear try and accept that you are well as this can really take a hold of your life ,just like it did mine.dont let that happen you have still a lot of living to do yet.keep in touch and let me no how things are going .take care xx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx