View Full Version : GAD back again!

17-12-12, 23:26
I finished work last week for xmas and new year and was looking forward to some rest, work month on month off and yet after 5 days I am even more stressed than ever with upset stomach poor sleep and seemingly constant anxiety.
I was diagnosed with GAD and Panic Disorder several years ago and know it can get worse this time of year with drinking too much, winter weather and money worries but I still seem to fall into the same traps and suffer the same symptoms when should be relaxing and know better by now but yet again I am depressed. I am not very good at meditation or breathing techniques as they initially make no difference and i know chemical help such as citalopram and diazepam cannot be used long term according to my doctor ( took citalopram for 3 years which helped but had some side effects).Tried counselling and CBT classes which are limited on NHS and help only short-term. I hate worrying my family especially my mother who suffers from the same condition and feels guilty sometimes and no real close friends can confide in as i am a bit of a loner and i do not want to discuss with my workmates though I think they suspect when i am not 100%.
Sorry to witter self obsessively I am at my wits end and do not want this condition for the rest of my life. Going to give up alcohol and smoking for the time being and read my self help books see if they help. I’ve tried everything else except sharing on this forum, any helpful comments would be appreciated..

18-12-12, 09:12
I just want to let you know that you are not alone and sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

18-12-12, 09:20
Hi there,

Feeling for you at this time of year. This forum does help, i always turn to it when i need a 'chat'! i can often feel fine for days, i have a packed social diary, looking forward to some time off over xmas...but not looking forward to the return of anx. i woke up today with a feeling of anx and slight glumness. hearing the stories of the shooting on america made me question life itself and how its so cruel.
Do you find the self help books help much? i was thinking of reading one.


18-12-12, 19:51
Hello RCS,
Sending you good wishes too. I know it's difficult when you try almost everything and cannot shake off that dreaded feeling.
I feel like wittering at great length too, one day I'll find the answer. I'm reading Dr Claire Weekes "Self Help For Your Nerves", however there's still a part of me that thinks I have an actual illness.
As the old saying goes, 'A problem shared is a problem halved' and when I opened up more to acquaintances I felt like I joined a new club - so many people have suffered anxiety for quite a long time.
It's only been 3 months for me and so many members here have suffered for a very long time, as you yourself have. I tend to hibernate in the winter months to reflect on the year past but also to think of new directions. (Not overdo the thinking just dream) :)
I am thankful this forum is here, so much support and advice.
But do take care, I'm sure you'll find the best way for self help.