View Full Version : worst day ever!

17-12-12, 23:54
ok so i have been getting panic attacks more frequently lately as im trying to beat them face on i normally get them driving away from home,
im at work like normal today when i go to lunch i come over a bit strange which then turned into a rather large panic attack i thought i had calmed down enough to carry on work about half an hour later i started again i normally run to burn it off and have some pleasant thoughts that just take the edge off it normally, but today whatever i tried wouldnt work i genuinly thought i was dying! the whole episode lasted for 2 and a half hours and i still dont feel completely fine now!
im now dredding going to work incase it happens again!
any advice??

18-12-12, 09:14
The main think is to remember that a panic attack can not harm you. If you feel it starting again, relax your stomach, drop your shoulders, take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Keep doing this. :hugs:

18-12-12, 20:01
Yep, stop drinking caffine, even decaff stuff, dont drink anything with artifical sweetner in, and try to go for a 20min brisk walk everyday.. did wonders for me, and not a pill insight.

good luck dude