View Full Version : Done my best, now i'm slipping back to old ways.

18-12-12, 04:16
Hi everyone, will try and keep it short.

I'm a 7 year sufferer of Agoraphobia, Anxiety,OCD & Depression.

My son started school in September, I am extremely fortunate that his school is about a 5 minute walk from my house but as I try to explain to people who don't understand (which in itself makes me even more upset) some days its like trying to walk to Antarctica fighting through monsters! But I have surprised myself and others around me since my little boy started and actually done really well getting him too and from school without any panic attacks or panic that usually builds up when I know I have to leave the house.

But now I can't sleep...I have tried everything other than drugs (which are out of the question in this case) which is making me a wreck when it comes to taking my son in to school...I had to phone his father yesterday to leave work and go and collect him. I won't be able to get him in again today and I feel like such a failier, I'm sitting here as I type crying and feeling incredibly alone & don't know what to do. Sometimes I think I should not of been aloud my beautiful boy, I hate that he'll always be effected by my issues. Its not fair on him at all.

Guess I was just wondering if any parents been through same sort of thing or had any advice? Would be greatly received:weep::weep::weep::unsure:!

18-12-12, 06:14
Oh I feel for you. People can't understand most of the time. Even people who get the odd panic or bout of anxiety can't really understand that I can spend days feeling nothing but anxiety.

Ya one short trip can feel a million miles away when you're anxious and anxiety symptoms are real whether they are mental or physical they are there nawing away you while you try to hold your nerve long enough to get the job done.

Well done for going :) that's great you've not had any panic attacks.

When you can't sleep it does make anxiety worse.
Why do you think you can't sleep?

With me it can be I can't fall asleep even if I want to.
Then I can be having anxiety or symptoms so I'm too stressed to sleep.
Sometimes if I'm worried about the next day, then I worry about not being able to sleep.
I did get sleeping pills once after going a few days without sleep they eventually helped.

You love him and care about him and try your best to put him first :)

Are you getting any therapy? Or help for the anxiety.

18-12-12, 09:29
I was in the same situation when my son was in junior school. I would set off and start to panic when I got to the same place in my journey every day. Like yourself, school was a 5 minute walk away. The only advice I would give is to persevere, it is the only way to stop agoraphobia taking hold of you.

With regard to sleep, have you tried herbal Valerian, available from pharmacy and health food stores, I took it for years and it really does help with insomnia.

Don't beat yourself up about this, you are not alone, a lot of people have been in the situation you are in now.

07-01-13, 15:17
Hi. I don't have children, but I know how you feel. I've seen myself unable to sleep and stayed in bed for weeks at a time without electricity because iv been to anxious about walking the 2minutes to the shop. Its been hard as you all know. No one understands exactly how we feel and it does hurt and put me down so I try my hardest to explain To people and ignore those who decide it is nothing. We will pull through and we always have everyone on here to help. Your doing great hun. I'm proud of you. X

07-01-13, 16:01
hello,i can relate to what youf feel like,ive had six chidren with an (ex who didnt care and didnt see his kids) and had panic attacks as long as i can remember,i tried so hard to go out my schools only round the corner so should have been easy, when my sister childminded she woud walk with me but then she stopped and so did i,i had people who would walk them home for me,theres no point in beating yourself up with guilt,think of all the good things you do for your son,my advice as a 25 year sufferer of agoraphobia,be kind to yourself but do keep on trying if you really can, its the only way,i never suceeded in going out alone. all the best and keep going you can do it bit by bit im sure