View Full Version : Dog Bite! im scared time is running out

18-12-12, 04:25
Today at about 11 in the morning I got bit by my aunts dog. ive always had a lot of health anxiety but for some reason i didnt think it was a big deal. i ran it under hot water for like a minute then put a lot of hydrogen peroxide on it then put neosporin and didnt give it another thought. but about 2 hours ago my aunt told me that he was actually behind on his rabies shot and should have gotten his rabies shot about 3 months ago.
now im freaking out about it. and i looked at the neosporin (antibiotic ointment) expired in 2010. so i put on Isopropyl alcohol 70% on it and put more neoporin on it again. but i really want to go to the ER to get the PEP to make sure that i don't get rabies.
the dog doesn't have any symptoms of rabies and is an indoor dog but he does go out in the fenced in backyard (suburban) to go to the bathroom. my mom an aunt keep on telling me this to calm me down but I'm really scared. the thing that terrifies me is that there is a short amount for time the post exposure prophylaxis is effective and with rabies basically once you get the symptoms you die.
Im really scared that I'm wasting the time i could be getting treatment and later when i get symptoms it will be too late. Im really scared to go to sleep and not go to the ER. Thanks anyone for a response.

18-12-12, 05:52
How badly did the dog bite you? It's not good if he's not trained to not bite or sink his teeth into people.

He's only 3 months behind his shots, plus he's fenced in.
Rabies isn't that common, the animal would be showing symptoms.

You rinsed the wound right way.

Go to your doctor. I have heard that they can run tests :)

I once got bit by a mouse and worried about the same thing, scared my self silly .
But definitely at least mention it to your doctor.