View Full Version : extreme nausea

18-12-12, 05:29
wretching with nausea some diarohea and feverish, exhausted no sleep tonight, doctor in morning feeling a bit suicidal

God i hope get some treatment.

18-12-12, 05:44
You sound like you've a tummy bug or food poisoning.
You need to keep hydrated! So water, sugar and a little salt.
Drink tea, spite/7up. Soups can be good too.

Paracetamol can help the fever if it gets too high.

When I had food poisioning the doctor came to my house as I was so ill.
I got antibiotics and tablets to stop me needing to go to the bathroom every few minutes.

It sucks being sick :(
Personally if I'm dry heaving it can be painful so I'll drink water so there's something in my tummy if I throw up.

You'll be fine in a few days, keep that in mind.

18-12-12, 07:50
Thanks anxous gal i am feeling a bit better especially when i sit upright, it might be tummy bug but it has really brought on my anxiety as well i will tell doctor.There is light at the end of the tunnel ,morning soon.


18-12-12, 15:56
Get some ginger biscuits to suck on, and slowly eat if you can manage it. They work wonders when you feel sick.

Also, as Anxious Girl says, make sure you drink plenty to keep you hydrated. I suffer from diereeah alot, and it can make you feel so hot and feaverish, and also lightheaded so make sure you drink to replace any fluids.

Try to keep distracted too, if you have a portable dvd player or can move the tv so you can see it from the bathroom, or take some puzzle books and magazines in with you.
I do this to try and get calm while I'm in pain on the loo.

And have a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel on your stomach, it helps to ease the pain.

You could also try Mottilum (Sp?), anti sickness tablets to help you ease the symptoms while your illness passes.

Hope you feel better soon xx

19-12-12, 14:27
It was norovirus/winter vomiting bug it should only last 3 days in case anyone out there suffering symptoms!
Feeling better all round.