View Full Version : Cant stop checking!!

18-12-12, 08:02
Hey havent posted for a while because i have been doing ok and now my Ha has come back :( i have a thing about checking my breasts constantly and one area inparticular that i have been checking and now i have made it swollen and feels like a lump!! I know that when i have touched it for a few days it feels just like tissues but then i cant help touching and checking it and it feels like a lump again :( i had a check at the docs 3 months ago and she didnt feel anything that concerned her..i just wanted to know if anyone else has had the same sort of thing? :/ thanks..jo xx

Sorry was meant to put when i havent touched the area it feels tissue..

01-08-13, 10:35
Hi there,
I don't know if you are or not but I'm on the pill (microgynon) and one of the side effects is lumpier breasts. Well my mum had breast cancer so you can imagine how I'm coping with that side effect- I check all the time and sometimes I make her feel too! Sometimes I convince myself that there is a lump but if I try to force myself to stop for a while and then feel again the lumps never feel as bad. I also can feel some in my other breast which reassures me that it's nothing to worry about.
Try leaving it (I know it's hard!) for a while and then maybe checking it again in a month or so (well clear of when you are on your period (mine are always worse then)) and you'll maybe find that it doest feel as bad?
Hope you're doing okay!

01-08-13, 18:07
You're aggravating the tissue by constantly putting pressure on it. You need only check yourself once a month.