View Full Version : Is this how the Anxiety Beast Works

18-12-12, 09:46
Hello all my Anxiety has been real bad latley despite positive blood tests and doctors reassurance i have been feeling terrible as if something is terribly wrong, every ache and pain is a disaster so as i said previously it is time to try to get free of this
so i started CBT on sunday.
first session was a chat about the whole area and my problems next week we start the process full on.
Just to recap i am getting aches and pains numb fingers all manner of sensations tight chest achy head aches and then in particular on right side under ribs an ache
my GP appointment was for Yesterday Monday 17th

Sunday was a a real anxious day for some reason, it was pretty bad
I went to GP yesterday and she told me that the pains in my ribs and side are muscle related driven by adrenalin in my body she gave me patches to relief the pain.
so YET more reasurance from the doctor she also done lung function and blood in urine tests all clear. I am felling good, then as i get home i get another ache in my groin area and above it on right side of my belly, what now i say, and a i surley cant go Back to the GP yet again.

So i have some questions

Question 1 is this how the anxiety festers and feeds itself does it just focus on something else and drag me back in its clutches.

Question 2 Can the andrenalin in the body create all this and new pains it seems to be laughing at me or am i gone totally mad.

Question 3 What are the best ways to rid the body of this unwanted adrenalin and get rid of the aches and pains.

Thanks Everbody for Continued support

18-12-12, 10:59
Hi there - the answer to yr question is to exercise - this will burn off any unspent adrenalin in your system as its the unspent adrenalin that does the damage - likewise with the aches and pains endorphins are produced when u exercise and these r like a mild pain reliever - i sometimes notice that i can exercise early in the morning but feel better much later in the day - guess it takes time to reach all parts of the body and mind!!

18-12-12, 11:03
Hi Graham, Yes unfortunately the adrenalin rush can cause all kinds of physical affects. Exercise does help but I must admit that the anxiety exhausts me so much that I find it hard to exercise! Are you on any medication? I am pleased you have started CBT and hope it is helpful to you.

18-12-12, 12:07
Hi Graham, Yes unfortunately the adrenalin rush can cause all kinds of physical affects. Exercise does help but I must admit that the anxiety exhausts me so much that I find it hard to exercise! Are you on any medication? I am pleased you have started CBT and hope it is helpful to you.

Exactly this for me - I know it makies me feel better but I am just always to exhausted by the anxiety to be able to make myself do it. :doh:

18-12-12, 13:34
Thanks Guys I used to be very active before this affected me,
i just seem to be going around in circles i get reassurance regarding an ache or pain or sensation and then new ones start its seems to be lauging at me, just unbeliveable unreal this is just unreal, so to answer my question the Anxiety beast will seek out more aches pains, or my reaction to an ache pain or sensation will set it all off again. then i worry about them an the sickly i dont want to do anything feeling starts so i am back in the circle again with those terrible thoughts with the pains aches and what ever it throws my way.

Thanks guys i am going to try 30 mins on my bike tonight try and wipe out some of that adrenalin.

Thanks Graham