View Full Version : Feeling guilty for taking 2 days off so near to christmas

18-12-12, 10:39
I took a day off yesterday and today as I have a very sore throat, ear ache and feel abit shivery. I also have bad pms and whenever I get up I have a slight head rush.
I am suffering with slight depression at the moment too but all in all i just feel so guilty.
I only started my job in September, but most of the other staff members seem to have days off all the time. We break up on friday so I feel abit pathetic but I really couldn't drag myself in today. I will force myself in tomorrow. I just feel so self indulgent, although I shouldn't

18-12-12, 11:13
I have been off work since June so don't feel guilty over a few days. I know what you mean though because I always feel so guilty when I am off ill, the trouble is, because I feel guilty, the anxiety gets worse! A vicious cycle. I hope you feel better soon. xx

18-12-12, 14:20
I am just worried that they will be angry with me tomorrow :(
Or il get a warning etc

18-12-12, 14:39
They can't give you a warning after 2 days sick and I am sure they won't be angry with you. xx

18-12-12, 14:42
I text one of my colleagues to tell them i wouldnt be able to do the morning club with them and I didnt even get a reply :(

18-12-12, 14:44
Maybe they were just too busy. You are taking things too personally, and I know I am a fine one to talk because I always do the same myself and read to much into things. :hugs::hugs::hugs: xx

18-12-12, 14:57
Half my daughter's school has gone down with a Noro? virus. its probably sensible to stay home so you don't spread what you have. Therefore you are altruistic. :)

20-12-12, 14:14
Hey, i'm exactly the same. Been fighting a terrible cold all week and yesterday and today i took off work, again we break up tomorrow and i do feel bad but physically i just don't feel well enough to go in. thankfully i'm beginning to feel better and hope to go in tomorrow but i know i needed yesterday and today.

No-one will be angry with you, they are probably all concerned for you and will hope to see you better soon.


20-12-12, 15:36
I'm sure you're employers will understand if you don't take time off too much any other time. It's just one of those things that bugs spread around at certain times.

20-12-12, 16:08
Hey GirlAfraid23, dont beat yourself up ..... you're ill. You'd much rather not be ill & its certainly not your fault. You say that most of the other staff members seem to have days off all the time & I bet they dont castigate themselves.
I sympathise; pms is horrible - as indeed is a head rush, slight or not. Depression too and I expect that's not excatly helping with the guilt.
But you have my permission not to feel guilty because there's no need to at all. Look at it this way.... I just got over a cold & my colleagues sent me home last Friday p.m coz they didnt want to catch it ..... so you are being kind to your colleagues arent you :-) they're less likely to catch it, surely they'll be grateful for that.
You need to do what you are already doing.... look after yourself. Well done for doing that. Dont feel even the slightest bit pathetic coz you arent right!!! I have spoken & what I say goes (well, in this case it does). See how you are tomorrow, if you are too ill, then dont make yourself go in. It's not so self indulgent taking care of yourself, its good.

20-12-12, 16:16
The Winter Vomiting Bug is all over the news so employers will be aware that this is about.

Don't worry, your entitled to sick leave when your sick. Concentrate on you and not anyone else.