View Full Version : A MINOR irritation WTF

18-12-12, 11:05
Came accross (lookin on net for natural remedies 4 anxiety) & Just read an oldish article on mail online about, st johns wart.
Anyway apparently does nothing, after all these years of people taking it to help ease anxiety.
However magnesium- holds promise but passion flower, is meant to be very good but has side effects- some times????

Got down the article and quote- " the findings are important because, although anxiety is often dismissed as a minor irritation,In the long term it could raise the risk of heart attacks & stroke". Mail online 2010.

Who dismisses anxiety as a ' minor irritation ' - that's what I want to know?.
Is that what people really think?

Hope not, I think we should get GAD / panic attacks seriously on the map!
We should make the general public aware, how debilitating it can be!

No panic day , or something! Get employers thinking as well.
People loose jobs, careers and there families because of this awful awful condition. :buttkick:

18-12-12, 11:17
Well col - I hav found st johns wort very helpful over the years - its somewhat annoying when you get some twit writing articles when they don't kno what there talking about what works for me may not be for you - as we r all individuals and balanced differently you hav to try different remedies that suits u best - and as for anxiety being a slightly irritating - like I said wrote by some clueless twit

18-12-12, 12:10
that's really really annoying that someone has wrote that. do you know where it was said. id love to write a bloody letter to him!!!

18-12-12, 13:55
Hi guys soo right what you've both said, soooooooo annoying & irritating !

Yep jojo, so right just unfortunate that, that twit gets paid! Vitabelle, no I don't know who wrote it I'll have a look again and see if it says who wrote the article but, it was on mail online I typed into google, natural medicines for anxiety & I looked down the 1st page page and scrolled down nd it was the - st johns wart mail online.

Could physically smack whoever that 'minor irritation ' comment came from.:grouphug:

18-12-12, 14:07
It is frustrating that people think of anxiety as "no big deal," or just stress, but it is much more than that. It can totally incapacitate people and is awful. I wonder if there is an anxiety or panic awareness day.

19-12-12, 09:38
Hi swgrl, I'm not sure if there is an anxiety awareness day! Surely if no one on here knows about it, they can't be.

We should set up one, might thread u thread also the more of us the better,like a petition , I'll pm and post an admin and ask Nicola if there is one already and if there is I'm gonna make sure it's more in the public domain xxxx