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View Full Version : Day Hospital Discharge

donna x
18-12-12, 12:02
I just feel I need to tell someone. I have been attending a day hospital with a key worker for the majority of this year along with attending a relaxation class and anxiety support group. I have now been told that this was only short term and they want to discharge me.

I do have good days where I am confident in myself but I also have bad days where I cry for no reason or over the slightest things. When I tell them things they comment “how much of that is true”. When I heard the word discharge I just could not stop crying as I felt so let down. I went home; self harmed then phoned the Samaritans.

I need help to try and switch off I feel like I am going to explode with emotions. Can the hospital do this?

18-12-12, 12:42
Did they discharge you with any supportive services? I do an internship at an intensive outpatient behavioral health program at a hospital and we are not allowed to discharge people without ample supportive services for after they leave. Most people we discharge have in-home counseling services, psychiatry, case management, and sometimes more than that.

donna x
18-12-12, 13:09
No, they just told me to get support from friends and family and continue to see my GP for medication. I was in shock, I told them I was worried I would harm myself and they just said, do you want me to walk you to the door. I also got told not to take anymore time off work as it would mess my head up and I would not be able to get on with my life and start a family.

18-12-12, 18:15
Hi Donna,

I'm sorry to hear of your experience with the hospital. I currrently see a psychiatrist in a CMHT at a hospital, but do not attend a day hospital. If that happened to me, I would be absolutely devastated. As swgrl has said, I would imagine you should have some after care and further support. Is your keyworker from the hospital that have discharged you? They are the ones that are suppposed to help you out with these things. I'm not sure how it works in Scotland, but I would take it further, maybe ask your GP and keyworker for some advice. Do you have PALS in Scotland? Did they not give you any numbers for the crisis team. Did you have any connection with a CMHT? If they didn't, you can ring NHS direct and they'll put you through to the crisis team for your area. You shouldn't have to deal with this on your own.

I hope this gets sorted for you, and you are given the support you need.

Take care and please keep us posted on how you get on.
