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View Full Version : Can you develop schizophrenia from depersonalization???

18-12-12, 12:28
I am really struggling this morning and yesterday. I read an article about a book that talks about how DP/DR can lead to multiple personality disorder. Now I can't stop compulsing/mental analyzing over if I am going to become schizophrenic and develop MPD. I keep questioning my mind etc... Since I have experienced DP/DR. Really having a panicky moment so any constructive, not scary help would be great!!!

18-12-12, 13:12
no never
god bless

18-12-12, 13:13
I also suffer from DP/DR your not alone I know how hard and horrible it is x

18-12-12, 13:13
I've had constant DR since a health trauma life-saving brain operation at the age of 12. Also had periods of DP.

So if anyone's going to develop problems it would have been me.

My only mental difficulty is Generalised Anxiety Disorder.

Whatever you have read is probably a very very rare occurrence.

So stop worrying :)

18-12-12, 19:41
Thank you all for your replies! I really hate this and had to text my CBT therapist to discuss with her. I remember when I never had to deal with any of this and now it seems like this is all I do. A full time job of anxiety and ocd!