View Full Version : Scared :(

18-12-12, 14:02
I can't shift this anxiety!

I went to the Dr yesterday who felt my neck for lymph nodes and told me everything is fine. I showed him the area which I could feel this new lymph node and he said he couldn't feel anything. It's buried on the left side underneath the muscle.
I can put my fingers around it and move it between the fingers, it's not attached to anything underneath it as I can put my fingers round it enough to kind of pick it up a little.

I have a similar one just above it, closer to the skin. To me it feels about 2cm but the dr said it's around 1cm, how on earth?

My boyfriend felt the lump and to him he said "it doesn't feel any different to any of the others you have shown me"

Do you think it's okay that the Dr didn't feel the lymph node under the muscle? If it was a dangerous lymph node would it be big enough for him to feel it with ease?
It doesn't stick out my skin.
It's very hard, I wouldn't say like a rock, but it's hard.
It moves slighty, though I can't really get to it to tell you exactly what it's like.

I'm just so scared. I've never felt it before, much like with every lymph node I find.

---------- Post added at 14:02 ---------- Previous post was at 13:55 ----------

Also I have had a sore throat for 2 weeks.
My glands were swollen for about 1 week but have gone back down now.
If I had lymphoma would those glands have gone back down?
Can you get swollen glands with lymphoma that aren't part of the cancer?

18-12-12, 14:53
I am stressing about lymph nodes just now also - four in my neck. I posted a thread about it last night - go see. Yours are similar sounding to mines. I do not have a sore throat but I have had a cough.
Doctors are trained to feel these things and can work out very easily if they are worth worrying about. I bet they are because of a cough.
Lymphoma only causes lymph nodes to swell because of cancer. They are also very large and hard, and keep growing.
Try not to worry.

18-12-12, 15:11
I actually got my partner to measure the one of my neck and he said "it's 1cm by 8mm, or around that, not 2cm"
He said the other one is even smaller lol

18-12-12, 15:19
Plus, when you measure them you are also putting a layer of skin around the nodes too, which makes them feel bigger.
I just had a good ole prod at mines. My boyfriend is going to lose it if I keep going on about them!

18-12-12, 15:54
Lmao, I know everything is fine.
My Doctor said "if it's only going to worry you then don't, but if you want to go for a scan I will refer you, but only if you want to get it checked, I'm not telling you to"
So clearly he has no concern with this, ehhh we will see.
I have an appointment on the 3rd of Jan, if the node is the same size as now (it's been 3 weeks since I found it and it's the same size) come another 2 weeks, then it will just be a palpable node, If it grows then I'll go for a scan.

18-12-12, 16:09
My doctor is the same with me, with my mole he said to me 'you want to be referred, don't you?' which is why I went to get it seen about in the first place - despite the fact he said it is nothing to worry about!
He didn't even offer me a referral for my lipoma, my mums friend who is a doctor said I should get it scanned if it changes, which it hasn't.
Now I am worrying that these swollen nodes are because either my mole or my lipoma are actually cancer!
It is strange how we just can't be reassured. I noticed a small hard node in front of my boyfriends ear (BB sized) and he just drugged it off, despite the fact it has definitely just appeared and it is rock solid and totally immobile!
We both got our swollen nodes on the same day whilst on holiday, so rationally I know it is probably from the mosquito bites we got, their the cough we both have, but irrationally, I am panicking about cancer (which both of us magically developed on the same day ...)
Have you had therapy at all? I am waiting to see a psychologist and for cbt.

18-12-12, 16:22
I am going to see a Psychologist tomorrow :)

Thing is, 4 months ago I'd never even heard of Lymphoma.
I've always been able to feel my glands, it's only now I panic.

I am worried at the moment as my left tonsil is swollen and sore, along with this new gland which is on the same side (painless)

I have a Lymph nodes that swell with certain things!
The one of the front left side of my neck swells with tonsillitis (left tonsil, it was swollen last week but has gone down now)

The one under the right side of my jaw swells with my right tonsil.

The one under my chin swells with canker sores on my lip.

The one under the left side of my jaw swells with certain teeth infections!

The rest I have no idea, they are just there!
I have only recently (these past few months) taken notice of my neck and throat, I never ever thought about cancer before and now it's all I think of. It's horrendous :(