View Full Version : New member - Anxiety creeping back into my life

18-12-12, 15:36
I'm new about here, a little history, about 6 years ago I had some mild CO2 poisoning which seemed to trigger my health anxiety.

It was initially about breathing as when I had the CO2 poisoning I was passing out and short of breath. It then mutated into palpitations, soreheads, dizzy spells, worrying about cancers, throat cancers, the full works.

I managed to get off tablets that I was prescribed some 2 years ago and have been good since but recently its all flooding back to me now. I'm feeliing pretty low and very stuck in a bad place.

I'm hoping coming on here can help me deal with this. My Mrs knows all about my situation and can deal with it most of the time but alot of the time she will say stop being silly and just get on with it. I know shes right but I also know she probably doesn't fully understand whats going on.

I have two kids who I also worry about, especially my youngest who has a hemangioendothelioma, or a benign cancer lump to you and me. Its been a worry this last year hoping the medication would work so she didn't have to go for a risky operation. I suppose this has fuelled my anxiety some what too.

Anyways, I'm rambling. Think I've had about 4 blood tests in the last 2 months and everything has come back ok. Its just my blood pressure that's up and I know its due to the worry I'm going through.

Please be kind, hopefully be even more helpful for me! Thanks.

18-12-12, 22:44
It's difficult when your other half doesn't understand (and to be fair most people don't, unless they've had it or they're a health professional).

My wife understands more since she was diagnosed 8 years ago with panic disorder / depression (no I didn't cause it :))

I've had GAD since I was 12 (I'm now 46) following a life-saving brain operation (so, childhood health trauma).

That said, I've had lots of periods when I've not been on medication, and most of that time it's been manageable.

I found CBT to be of some use (although there's usually a long waiting list). There are self help books, I'll post my favourites if you're interested.

19-12-12, 08:49
It's difficult when your other half doesn't understand (and to be fair most people don't, unless they've had it or they're a health professional).

My wife understands more since she was diagnosed 8 years ago with panic disorder / depression (no I didn't cause it :))

I've had GAD since I was 12 (I'm now 46) following a life-saving brain operation (so, childhood health trauma).

That said, I've had lots of periods when I've not been on medication, and most of that time it's been manageable.

I found CBT to be of some use (although there's usually a long waiting list). There are self help books, I'll post my favourites if you're interested.

That would be helpful, never done any CBT before, had a few councilling sessions but never thouugh they done much good.

19-12-12, 13:38
That would be helpful, never done any CBT before, had a few councilling sessions but never though they done much good.
The books I have which I have found of some use (you may be able to get these from the library or used from Amazon etc):

"Change Your Thinking" by Dr. Sarah Edelman
"How To Master Anxiety" By Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrreell
"Coping With A Stressed Nervous System" by Dr. Kenneth Hambly & Alice Muir
"The Mindful Path Through Worry & Rumination" by Sameet M. Kumar Ph.D.

The first one of those is CBT based and is very similar to the CBT counselling I had. The second one I'm currently reading through for a second time.

Have a look on Amazon, read the reviews, see if any of these suit what you're looking for.


20-12-12, 09:54
The books I have which I have found of some use (you may be able to get these from the library or used from Amazon etc):

"Change Your Thinking" by Dr. Sarah Edelman
"How To Master Anxiety" By Joe Griffin & Ivan Tyrreell
"Coping With A Stressed Nervous System" by Dr. Kenneth Hambly & Alice Muir
"The Mindful Path Through Worry & Rumination" by Sameet M. Kumar Ph.D.

The first one of those is CBT based and is very similar to the CBT counselling I had. The second one I'm currently reading through for a second time.

Have a look on Amazon, read the reviews, see if any of these suit what you're looking for.


Thanks for those, much appreciated.:yesyes: