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View Full Version : Beeping blood tests so angry :-/

18-12-12, 15:57
I am really angry and not really understanding something I will explain.

The other week I had a blood test a fbc, it showed I have small red blood cells, so the doctor ordered a repeat blood test this time testing ferritin, heamoglobin and a blood film. Anyway got this results Friday and the receptionist said nothing further needed to be done, oh I was relieved....... Until today when I receive a letter from the doctors saying they have received the results of my recent blood test and the doctors asked I repeat this as no sample received?!!!!

So confused I get my husband to ring the doctors he speaks to the secretary who explains that my ferritin levels etc were ok but I need to have another fbc because this wasn't done

Anyone make light of this?! Anyone? As I have gone from feeling relieved to worried again and actually can't be bothered to have a 3rd blood test in 2 weeks and worry about results ontop of Christmas :(

18-12-12, 16:49
Sounds like the lab didn't do the full blood count or Dr forgot to ask for one at same time as ferritin etc as they are seperate tests.

They will just want to see if your blood cells are still small after the other tests came back fine.

Have your previous full blooc counts been all okay??? or is it a long time since you have had blood tests in which case they don't know what is normal for you.

18-12-12, 18:47
Thank you for replying

I have never had small blood cells before only in this case, had a blood test before a laparoscopy earlier in the year not sure if it would have shown then.

Do you think it's ok to wait till next year to have it done?

18-12-12, 21:56
If your Gp thought it was anything serious he would not wait until after new year for repeat blood tests. They also like to leave enough time for your body to sort itself out as alot of things will right themselves naturally over 4-6 weeeks blood wise.

19-12-12, 07:39
Well he hasn't specified when I should have it done just had the letter and the blood form with it. Just not sure when to have it done sort of thinking of I have it done and get results this week I will either be more worried or relieved where as if i wait till January I will just keep wondering if that makes sense