View Full Version : Night Panics and heart racing

Stress head Rach
25-08-06, 00:19
I go through the most awful stages of waking up about an hr after going off to sleep ... I wake up with a jolt and heart pounding in chest... I have to take deep breathes and splash a bit of water on me face .. lay back down and then I am off for a good nights sleep. I may get them every night for a week then go a month or so with out! I do get panic attacks and have had then on & off since being a child... I suffer constant palps... used to have the flip flop heart ... not too bad now... doc says it is stress which I know but it is so scarey when your heart is going like you have just done a marathon. ... get them also after a meal.... Does anyone else have the night panics ?

25-08-06, 00:49
hello there,oh yes the dreaded night panics,i have them all the time!Actualy more than in the day now!I find relaxation tapes help alot,or gettin up and logging on here!Hey go to main forum search and type in night panics and just see how many people have posted on this subject.I loathe them,makes me feel as tho i am falling off the edge of the world!Welcome to the forum by the way!!Hope you are having a good night 's sleep tonight .love mary rose.,xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

polly daydream
25-08-06, 08:15
Yes I can totally relate to the night panics, I also have a racing heart after a meal. I am having tests just to be on safe side.

Take care,


Stress head Rach
25-08-06, 08:46
Thanks for your replies...... Guess what ...? Had a good night sleep last night! No panics...... must be reading on here that helped.... felt a bit more normal after! Thanks

25-08-06, 10:53
Hi all

Well, i do not generally suffer "night panics" although i often wake up with severe pins and needles in my left arm which literally make it go so numb.

Last night i woke myself up with a fright - had the numb arm, heart racing, disorientated and generally felt incredibly panicked and not sure what was going on - not nice at all.

I managed to go back to sleep but now i feel quite anxious and tense.

gggrrr - i really hate it!

Stress head Rach
25-08-06, 10:59
It is horrid...... the numb arm might be you sleeping on it maybe. . . . hope you have a better night tonight xx

25-08-06, 11:10
actually yeah - i think sleeping on my arm is the reason, must try to train myself against it!

It was so odd last night though - i don't really know what happened to make me wake up with such a fright.

But thank you for your kind words... fingers crossed for a peaceful one tonight!