View Full Version : Advice friendly please

18-12-12, 21:51
Hi guys where do I start I'm 21 since I was pregnant with my daughter 5 years ago I have had a fear of death I'm scared of all things like not waking up every pain I get I have to go to doctors I have a pain in my neck now and really scared that my neck is going to explode I feel as though I can't breath proply I have to take big deep breaths so I feel I can breath I suffer with really bad chest pains witch scares me I just feel like crying because I don't no what to do iv tried medication I end up stopping it within a week because I scare my self I just want to feel my self again but can't some Advice would be great thank yo

18-12-12, 22:26

I have an anxiety disorder which presents itself in different ways, and once I get over one of its manifestations, another one appears not long after. A few years ago I became terrified of death, was at the hospital a number of times with chest pain, always came back clear. The thing that helped me back then was anti depressants. Anxiety will always make things seem worse, and can make symptoms seem a lot worse than they really are. If you definitely do not have any health problems causing these symptoms I would recommend seeing your doctor and trying with antideprassants again, if you are able to tolerate them. They do work once you find one that suits you, and they enable you to separate fact from fiction, ie a small pain in the chest isnt always a heart attack, a headache isnt always a brain tumor etc.

Its easy for me to say this because I have been there and gotten through it, but sitting at home thinking about it only makes it worse. Id definitely see your doctor again and if you think medication is right for you then take it and see it through, it should eventually make you feel better, and make you see the situation clearer.

Good luck and I hope you are able to get some help and feel better in time!!