View Full Version : memory loss and anxiety

19-12-12, 00:16
Can anxiety cause you to have short term memory loss? The last few months my memory has been shocking! I'm 24 and forgetting everything! For instance yesterday I phoned my dentist I had forgotten what time my appointment was, anyway she told me then we spoke about my teeth for a minute, I then get of the phone and I have forgotten straight away what time my appointment was! I have been quite worried and stressed lately with my ha and with all the symptoms us poor anxiety sufferers already have can this really be another symptom! Xx

19-12-12, 04:54
yes anxiety it's self can make you forget things!
First off you're stressed, it's harder to concentrate and to remember things when you get stressed.

I've often gone into a room and forgot what I went in to do!
I'm very bad for for forgetting things. So I keep a to do list.

Honest it's normal there's no need to be worried :)

I sometimes forget what day it is :p

oh no_1
19-12-12, 06:57
my memory is shocking at the moment and been off work 4 weeks, gosh knows how i managed at work in the job i do remembering things told at the morning until the end of the day when i do write everything down

19-12-12, 07:00
I have the same symptoms, with me it's a mixture of anxiety and medication, they both contribute to my short term memory loss. I can be in a conversation and I can't find the word I am looking for, I know it's there somewhere in my memory bank, but I just can't find it. Appointments - I have to put in my phone and computer calendar straight away and also have reminders.
You definitely are not alone.

19-12-12, 11:29
I have been through something simular, I was starting to doubt my memory but I guess as we are worrying about something all day, that will then distract us and we simply forget trivial stuff.

19-12-12, 11:45
yes I also have this,im 23 and am always forgetting things. its worse now im o my meds....its like my brain just doesn't engage at all!!

19-12-12, 16:56
I'm so glad I read this thread. I have become so forgetful lately. I think of something I have to do on the computer and in a second I have forgotten what it was. I go upstairs for something and when I get there I can't remember what I went up for. The best one has to be when I had to walk up the road to the post office to pick a parcel up and I got round the corner and I suddenly couldn't remember where I was going. I kept walking and eventually it came to me but I was on the verge of ringing my husband to ask him where I was going!! I thought I was losing my mind!

20-12-12, 16:04
Hi everyone, I get this to. Seem to be forgetful.

20-12-12, 16:13
I'm terrible when it comes to asking people if they'd like a tea. I just cannot remember!

I'm awful at cooking too, my phone has alarms set for anything I cook. I've burned a few chickens, chips and everything else in between!